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Got our ozzy passports. Yeah!!


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:biggrin:On such a high today as after living in Perth for 5yrs, getting our citizenship,but NOT our passports, we then decided to come back to the uk. After finding the right time and a weekday free we finally decided to go to Edinburgh yesterday and get the ozzy passports for our return journey back to Perth for this xmas coming.

We know we should of got them while we were still in oz but at the time we thought 'whats the point in getting them if we're not gonna come back', how wrong were we!


Just thought i'd share my good news.


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Congratulations :yes:

Perth (SOR) is where we want to be. It is so lovely, I have a lot of family there.

Can I ask what made you return to the UK after 5yrs & why hasn't the UK worked out for you?

Sorry if I appear nosy :embarrassed:

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:biggrin:On such a high today as after living in Perth for 5yrs, getting our citizenship,but NOT our passports, we then decided to come back to the uk. After finding the right time and a weekday free we finally decided to go to Edinburgh yesterday and get the ozzy passports for our return journey back to Perth for this xmas coming.

We know we should of got them while we were still in oz but at the time we thought 'whats the point in getting them if we're not gonna come back', how wrong were we!


Just thought i'd share my good news.




great news go for it!:smile:

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Thanks guys, Saz, we lived in Mandurah for 1.5yrs but the mozzies were a nightmare, we had friends who had moved up north to Butler so we kept visiting them and the more we went north the more we liked it. So we bought some land in the 'green estate', built, moved into the house but then sold it after 6mths. I prefer north to south.(but thats just us).

In the time we were up north I had another child (4 kids now) and not having any family around made it a little difficult. also family were ill. We made a very rash decision to move back to the uk.

It was great being back for the first 2 weeks and then reality set in. What had we done. It was nice for everyone to see all the kids again and have a catch up but to be honest they have all moved on and it seems we're not in the 'click' anymore. Its been a little difficult to try and settle back in again when you know where your heart lies.

We're saving up like crazy now and we will be back over just after xmas again. We don't mind if we have to start all over again, we know where things are and the best places to go. Its just the schooling for us that we're worried about as the girls are in great schools here but they want to go to a catholic school over there as all their friends go. I think it's about $4000 a year now per child, so when we have 2 there at anyone time its gonna cost a fair bit and we're gonna have at least 2 there for quite sometime. I know we'll end up paying it as i know how much the kids have been pushed from pillar to post and we feel guilty for that.

Well i think i've wabbled on for quite sometime now so i'll go.

If you need to know anything just ask.


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