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Form 80- all the addresses you have lived in for the past 10 years


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I have listed all the addresses that I have lived in for the past 10 years and can account for them. However, there is one address I lived in overseas that I am worried about. I know the address but I do not have the contact of the person from whom I was renting the room from. I was just paying for a room in the house. Therefore, I was not on the contract. Form 80 does not ask to provide details of the contact. However, will DIMIA ask me to provide contact details of the landlord later on when they are doing all the checks?... because I do not have them. It's been 6 years since then and I do not have any letters or any proof of having lived in that address. What should I do? Will this prove to be a problem for me? Do they check every single address? I can prove that I have lived in all my other addresses but it will still be a big hassle because I do not keep my old mail or contracts. I will have to look up the landlords or real estate companies but 10 years is just way too long. The whole form 80 is very tedious to fill. Also, will they need police checks of my parents or siblings? I mean, if they do I want to get ready with them now before they ask me. I don't want to delay the whole process.What other documents will they request for once I have lodged form 80?

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Guest RunnerBean

Come to think of it, I'm going to be in this same predicament too from some student digs I lived in...

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OMG :eek:


Does everybody have to fill in one of these?




Perkipie - I dont think every applicant receives a form 80. I received a form 80 and had to complete the address's part but I am sure I have seen on another thread, where other applicants havent been requested to complete it.


Inception - I lived in many places whilst I was in Australia, most of them being backpackers so I just listed the address's of the backpackers I remained at the longest.


I think they use it like they would over here in the UK, to search your background history to check if anything dodgy happened. Do you not have an agent you could ask?

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