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Meds Finally On Way To Oz But Worried


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Hi All,


Well we went for our meds on the 01st March and all was going well. Panel Doctor didnt seem woried about wifes crohns disease as its minor and commented on how good our specialists report was for it. Then it come to me and it turns out i have high blood presure. Had to take a letter to my doctor to investigate and have spent the last 3 weeks being very inpatiend having bloods, ecg, 24 hours monitor done and after that it turns out i have hypertension with no underlying cause which i guess is good as my heart and everything else is fine. I have been put on meds which i will have to take forever and then had to send all results back to panel doctor with a letter from my doctor explaining what they did. Now the panel doctor said not to worry and has now sent the meds of to Aus for processing (on the plane at the moment with DHL tracking)but i obviously cant help but worry. Were right near the end and to fail now due to this would be hard to take. We are not using an agent so have no one to get feed back from on the likely outcome so has anyone out there had the same experience/problems and can you put our minds at rest please.


Many thanks all.

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I would't worry yourself, i've read of many others on PIO with high blood presure and none to my knowledge have been refused a visa because of that alone.

I think what the Australian government are trying to avoid are people who would be a huge financial burden to them, thats not you.

We were worried because my mrs suffered with osteoporosis in pregnancy, quite rare for someone in their early thirties, so we had to show her latest bone density scans etc and all was ok.

Try not to worry i'm sure you'll be fine.

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