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probably a very silly question...


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Does Aus hospitals generally have aircon???

I know that none of all the hospitals that I have worked for in the UK used airconditioning (in fact the heating was on all year around as a rule :goofy:).

My old manager said that this is due to aircon not being conducive in infection control, not sure how true this is though. Anyways, after vividly remembering how hot and uncomfortable it can be in your starched tunic during a 12.5h shift I was hoping that aircon is a standard thing in Australia....

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Hi, I'm not in oz yet but will be starting work in a hospital in Brisbane in may. I sincerely hope they have air con! You are right about the uk though, our labour ward is roasting at the best of times but in summer..... My god, and the poor women in labour. I remember fanning one woman with a newspaper because all the other fans were in use.:eek: Shamefull really.

But I would have thought for a country with weather as hot as it is air con would be in use but I wouldn't like to say for certain.


Also not sure I'm buying into the whole aircon / infection control thing.

Germs and bacteria generally culture quite nicely in warm moist places....:confused:

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ahhh i take it youre a midwife aswell Which hopsital will you be working at?

We are hoping to go to Brisbane or the Gold coast, but will probably have to leave it for a couple of years.

Our labour ward has been just about doable in the summer but the PN ward has been absolutely horrid. But when i worked as a nurse the poor pyrexic patient with really struggled as we never had any fans for them. I think its a cost cutting

exercise to be honest disguised as 'in the patients best interest'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I will be at mater mothers hospital in south bank. It was the only place that had an interest in me as everywhere else wanted dual trained midwives (ie were nurses first) and i am direct entry.Probably something to do with it being so much more obstetrically led out there but still...

I'll let you know how I get on with the air con, Or without, as the case may be!

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The Mater mothers looks really good though, its one of the hopsitals that i have looked into. Will you be at the private or public site? Apparantly its only the private hospitals that are very obstetric led wearas the public are similar to the UK.

Im surprised that being direct entry has limited you in your options as Australia has been running direct entry courses for years as well. but everything happens for a reason though and you're clearly meant to be at the Mater's :biggrin:.

Best of luck and do let me know how you get on


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Guest siamsusie

Piglet, even in Tasmania the hospitals use air con.


I think you would find the Morgue full to capacity with no air con in many states:biggrin: yes it is widely used.

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Thats great news!!! I was worried as in the UK we dont and it can often be 30 degrees inside the wards in the summer (including the heating which is always on!) and its horrid for a 12.5 hour shift

Thank you for that x

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Phew.... thats a relief about the aircon :S Good luck on your journey piglet x x


and i am soooo jealous wondering aloud good luck hope it all runs smoothly, i would have loved to work at the Mater but i will need to get on a postgrad programme i qualify in 18 months, also direct entry, so atm i'm going to take anywhere that will have me, fingers crossed x

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