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im intrigued why you chaps choose to run straight back the uk , why not try another state or another country ,you have already done the hard work by escaping the decaying uk...........im also intrigued as to the reasons you chaps left the uk in the first place.........we all know its a life changing commitment not just a , lets go and see what its like over there...........everyone does their homework as we keep hearing..the one and only reason i can think of is family ......but why let a family control your future....we have phones , skype and holidays .........:confused:




All I can say is that we all have different values and expectations in life.

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Guest chris955

Sometimes with a reply less really is more. Quite right.


All I can say is that we all have different values and expectations in life.
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:biggrin:..........but still no reason as to why you chaps came to this wonderful life style and country in the first place ..................keep throwing the hat around im sure it will fit someone .......................so why did you chaps leave the uk in the first place ........?

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Quite simply, (and i have illustrated why on another MBTTUK thread) because I, (and I hope we) care about the impression given to prospective migrants.


Why? why do you care, you are happy here, what does it matter to you what prospective migrants think?




Prospective migrants read this section in order to glean information as to what others have encountered and what they may encounter. The problem is that some that are, or have MBTTUK, genrealise about the whole of Australia and Australians. Just because they may have encountered racism, just because they may have encountered crime, etc doesn't neccessarily indicate that others will experience the same if they come here.


It is plainly obvious that people posting negative things they have encountered are posting from their experience, and I should imagine anyone reading posts (as I read posts) that they understand it is from the person postings point of view, if someone starts a thread saying, for example, they've encountered racism in Australia, I should imagine that people reading have enough intelligence to realise that not everyone in Australia is racist.


It also works both ways, I read a post yesterday claiming 'Australians are the worlds best travellers' and 'Australians are propping up the NHS', both ridiculous claims that amount to nothing more than a bit of tubthunping.


You seem to think you are on some kind of mercy mission to counterbalance an opinion with your own opinion, why waste your time?


If other members in Australia haven't encountered the above, doesn't it behove them, to use this section to "gaive a fair and balanced view" or should accusations of racism, high crime levels, rudeness etc be allowed to go unquestioned, and therefore for the prospective migrant reading, allows them to get an unfair picture of australia as a whole. If those members didn't use this section to "counterbalance' the experiences of those returning, or wanting to return to the UK, then wouldn't that be contrary to PIO policy (to inform and help) ie, be totally unhelpful and unbalanced? The section may well be a bit less "aggressive" but it certainly wouldn't present a true picture of Oz and Australians (as a whole).



Of course anyones entitled to their opinion but its no more a fair or balanced view than the view you are opposing, it is just a different one, based on your experiences, which of course is fine, but there is no need for arguments on every thread in this section, it seems there are a few posters who just hang around to argue for want of a better word, which is not really 'informing' or 'helping' anyone

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Guest Guest16631

if you always do what you always did , you will always have what you always had ..........but some times what you had is better than what you have..........life is an adventure we all like to explore and try new things sometimes some people just like to settle in a familiar surrounding.:smile::smile::smile:each to their own be true..........

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:biggrin:..........but still no reason as to why you chaps came to this wonderful life style and country in the first place ..................keep throwing the hat around im sure it will fit someone .......................so why did you chaps leave the uk in the first place ........?


How is this 'helping' and 'informing' ?

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Also, sorry just to add, does that mean if all opinions on this forum need a counter balance, I should trawl the site to post about negative situations I've encountered where people are posting positive things they've encountered, you know, just to be fair and balanced like?

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Also, sorry just to add, does that mean if all opinions on this forum need a counter balance, I should trawl the site to post about negative situations I've encountered where people are posting positive things they've encountered, you know, just to be fair and balanced like?


you can post whatever you want on here as long as its not threatening or abusive ect .....read the rules ,they are very helpful...............:yes:

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you can post whatever you want on here as long as its not threatening or abusive ect .....read the rules ,they are very helpful...............:yes:


I really neither have the time, nor the inclination to do what I have suggested, which is kind of my point.


Anyway if I did it would just end up in threads full of pointless arguments. Which is what's happening in this section of the forum.

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Guest guest36762
it would help some of us understand , this is suppose to be a forum where you can have debates ect ......:confused:


debates, yes

ECT? you avin a laff?

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Guest happycrappy
debates, yes

ECT? you avin a laff?


Are you some kind of school teacher, or have you just found a dictionary for the first time in your life????

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Guest guest36762
Are you some kind of school teacher, or have you just found a dictionary for the first time in your life????



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See, another thread, (which started out as quite a nice feel good thread, with no negative points about Australia, just a really nice verse about the UK) has ended up ruined.



i disagree....you wont get to the point or answer questions ...your multi log ins my be confusing you now..........:yes:

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Guest chris955

I think it is wonderful that many people come here and find exactly what they want and have a great life. It's all very well to constantly wax lyrical about your swimming pool and great lifestyle but as hard as it is to believe there are lots of people who are into different things :elvis: So why keep coming onto threads about people going back to the UK and try to bring them down telling them how horrible it is when it's freezing or you need to warm your car up in the morning ? What can honestly be the point other than just to have a laugh at someone elses expense ?

It is fantastic that you have a good life and left behind a bad life BUT this does not apply to everyone by any stretch of the imagination.

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you forgot to add ,the sound of ice being scrapped of car windows every winter morning,:laugh: the sound of car engines running for ages as they try to heat up the cars, the smell of engine fumes while drinking a hot cup of tea at your front door making sure your car doent get stolen,the sound of soothing heavy rain drops for hours on end ,the wet feeling .....theres nothing like that .......having to work in the rain all day on site ,yes....i will never forget that feeling of having wet feet for 10 hrs a day ...........your right that really does sum the uk up:dull:.......and thats why we left and thats why we are staying .....................i could go on for hours but im off to cool down in the pool.......enjoy the honeymoon period in the uk but reality will soon set in.............:yes:


Tonyman, this was your first post in the thread, two posts in.


Seriously, what was the point?


As for multiple logins/usernames etc, I'm really not sure who else you think I am but I can assure you I am only registered once in this forum and I only post as this username. Stop being childish.

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Guest chris955

There was absolutely no point whatsoever, it could only be to have a laugh at someone elses expense as I said.


As for being accused of being more than one member on here don't worry I have has the same accusation thrown at me.

Good luck with your last point :wink:


Tonyman, this was your first post in the thread, two posts in.


Seriously, what was the point?


As for multiple logins/usernames etc, I'm really not sure who else you think I am but I can assure you I am only registered once in this forum and I only post as this username. Stop being childish.

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Guest chris955

You may or may not have noticed that those who will jump on anything seen as negative towards Australia for the sake of balance will rarely if ever react the same when a possibly innaccurate post is made in relation to the UK. Probably just coincidence.


Also, sorry just to add, does that mean if all opinions on this forum need a counter balance, I should trawl the site to post about negative situations I've encountered where people are posting positive things they've encountered, you know, just to be fair and balanced like?
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Guest guest30038
Why? why do you care, you are happy here, what does it matter to you what prospective migrants think?


What does it matter to me that I wanted to foster when kids were being abused? Simply because I care. If you want to emvelope yourself in your own little nuclear family, then that is fine (for you). I like to see a bigger "family of man and try to help, wherever and whenever I can.



It is plainly obvious that people posting negative things they have encountered are posting from their experience, and I should imagine anyone reading posts (as I read posts) that they understand it is from the person postings point of view, if someone starts a thread saying, for example, they've encountered racism in Australia, I should imagine that people reading have enough intelligence to realise that not everyone in Australia is racist.


Exactly! Didn't I explain clearly enough :rolleyes: that some, (not a small minority), don't do that. They generalise about australians and Oz as a whole as do some who generalise about the UK.



You seem to think you are on some kind of mercy mission to counterbalance an opinion with your own opinion, why waste your time?

If I thought it was wasted, perhaps I wouldn't. I have helped quite a few people settle in Brisbane, even affording them accomodation. Soem said that if they had took note of some posters in MBTTUK, they never would have come if it wasn't for some of the PIO members counterbalancing what was said. I'm not saying that some are gullible, or can't think for themselves, but moving here (even the thought of it) can be a great strain on a person's resolve when confronted with some of the negatives posted..........a few positives helps give a "clearer picture". What i have heard from these folk indicate to me that my time is not wasted. If you wan't to put a name such as 'mercy mission" to that, please feel free, I consider it to be little more than offering the help that I wish I had got when i came here.



Of course anyones entitled to their opinion but its no more a fair or balanced view than the view you are opposing, it is just a different one, based on your experiences, which of course is fine, but there is no need for arguments on every thread in this section, it seems there are a few posters who just hang around to argue for want of a better word, which is not really 'informing' or 'helping' anyone
Irrelevant. I made it clear that I am not attempting to negate or deny anyone's experience. I merely try to make it clear that the experiences of a minority, or the attitudes of a minority, are not neccessarily what a new migrant may be confronted with when coming here.I consider all folks' experiences to be relative, just invariably, not the norm, as the figures of returning migrants to the UK, compared with those who stay, must show.


As for your, "it seems there are a few posters who just hang around to argue for want of a better word, which is not really 'informing' or 'helping' anyone" if you count me as one of the "few", I personally couldn't give a toss, as I know what's in my heart and my mind. What's in yours whilst you're "arguing" with me?

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