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457 visa police checks......


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If i am being sponsored and my partner is defacto on the visa. He has a caution on his police check for possession from 5 years ago. Has anyone else been in this situation or know anyone that has that can give me more information about how the process works and possibly put my mind at rest?





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From memory you do not have to undergo a police check for a 457 visa (unless requested) although you are asked to declare convictions. The best option is to declare the caution and submit a statement explaining what happened, it was a one off and out of character etc. You could also interpret the requirement as only needing to declare convictions and omit the caution if you felt comfortable with that.


The Character requirement is detailed here Character Requirement - Applications & Forms but in general a caution from 5 years ago would not be deemed reason to deny a visa.


Given your partner has already obtained his Police Cerfiticate was it something that was requested?

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Thanks very much Dan! He works in construction and was working on a school site so his current employer had to carry out and enhanced CRB, if it was just a standard police check then we would have been none the wiser! I will definately get him to declare it just in case but the agent has also asked for a copy of his CRB so that she can look at it, not sure why!


Thanks again



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I was arrested & fined for possession over 20 years ago (nowadays they would have told me to bugger off and stop wasting police time for 2 joints :biglaugh:) but it still showed on my police report when I made my 457 application just over 4 years ago.


I was fretting at the time as well, but as far as I have always been led to believe anything less than time spent in actual jail ( i believe minimum 6 months as well) minor misdemeaners should have no effect on a visa application. Sexual offences might weigh differently.


Ive been here nearly 4 years now, so I was fine :wink:

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His was class a tho....................

So did you declare it on the form?



But he had a caution and I had a court appearance and a fine :wink:


Definitely declare it. From start to finish with the visa process & entrance into Australia, declare it in advance & you should be fine.


I wouldnt fret about it at all presonally. (I know hard to do when it involves the visa application )

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