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Renting in Sydney with Dog

Guest alicat1969

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Guest alicat1969

I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times, but I'm new here and have done lots of searches to no avail...

I'm an English Nurse, thinking of re-locating to Oz next year. I have an 8 year old Bedlington terrier cross, who I wouldn't leave behind. I am looking at working in Sydney, but would have to rent to begin with, and can find NO rental properties that will accept dogs - even small, well behaved hypo-allergenic non-shedding ones! Any advice at all gratefully received, as if I can't take him, I may have to re-think my whole plan.....

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Guest The Pom Queen

Welcome to PIO, please remember that a lot of the properties on realestate will not say they are pet friendly even if they are, unless it actually states "No Pets" then it is worth considering.

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There is a site called pet friendly rentals and they advertise various properties which are designated pet friendly and you can download an app which means that when you go to a real estate website you can find those specifically designated pet friendly. However - if an advert doesnt say NO PETS specifically then the chances are good that pets may be allowed subject to approval. So if you see a place that you fancy - ask them if they will allow pets. Seems to be units are more fussy than houses and obviously very fancy houses will be fussier than the run of the mill house (more for a pet to damage). Someone suggested also putting together a pet portfolio - so picture of your pet, age (not a puppy so doesnt chew fittings etc) , fact that he doesnt shed, quiet, well behaved and maybe a picture of where you stay with him now so people get an idea that this isnt some monster dog but rather a well loved pet owned by a responsible pet owner.

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Guest alicat1969

thanks all, that's really helpful. I was having a look at Easyroommate too, and there seem to be some people there who already have dogs who wouldn't be averse to fitting another small one in. Guess it's just going to be a bit of a frantic run around for the month he's in quarantine!I have friends in Sydney too, so I guess I'll just ask them to keep their ears to the ground...

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My friend from Canada has just immigrated to Australia (Brisbane) with her Bulldog Diggy and she said like everyone else on here that unless it specifically says "no pets" to go and view it and negotiate pets if you like it. She did however say, and i have read it on here many times also that agreeing to keep your dog outside is also a regular request.



I am heading out to Sydney next Sat and my two staffie woo's in tow fly in 5days!!!!!!! (I feel so mean looking at them now curled up together in their bed without any idea what is going to happen to them in 5-days :sad:).



As per suggestions I have put together a pack to give to real estate agents that gives info on us, work status and salary,references from our current landlord and housemate (that talk about us and our lovely dogs :cute: ), type of house and amount of rent we can afford. I have sent it to a few already in readiness for our move in a week and had some positive feedback from those that have replied.



Good luck x

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