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leaving people behind

tricia w

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Ok, how bad is it when you get on the plane to move? We're just at the starting point again with our Visa as my little girl was bad so everything went on hold. We're going to start again and I really want to move to Australia and so does my Hubby. We've been about 5 or 6 times and the last time we went we took our 14 month old daughter to see what it would be like for her. I came back from Australia pregnant with number 2, so we sold our business and started the with the visa.


It s now when we think of doing it again I wander is it really what we want. In my heart I no it is but the only thing that Im worried about is taking the kids away from the granparents. It's not us they'll miss but the kids and its not just that it's the kids will really miss them. Not that they even see them that much. CRAZY.


So how hard is it when you get on the plane and whats it like when the kids ask when your going home? I no its going to be better for the kids with alot more to offer for their future, the kids are 2 and 4 but my hubby is 37 and Im 35 so for us its now or never. Just cancelled the holiday for this year so we can go to Australia in January. Cant wait as I no it'll put my mind at rest.


Oh Pauls a floor finisher so any advise would be good.





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You have to be very self sufficient and more than a little bit selfish to be a successful migrant. I think you should reckon on at least one generation feeling that sense of isolation from extended family but of course with successive generations that lessens. My two boys have both commented on how isolated we are as a family compared with their partners who have both been settled (one in UK and one in Aus) where they are for several generations. Nothing wrong with it, you just have to use your own resources and get on with it.


The "better future for the kids" thing is a furphy, what you really mean is that your adult lives want some adventure, that's fine, go for it, own it for what it is. There is no guarantee that a future in Australia is any better or worse than a future in UK - many young Aussies escape as soon as they have finished uni and many never bother to return as there are better opportunities out there in the big wide world. Aus is a very small pond in comparison. I also doubt that moving kids away from a loving extended family is a "better" alternative for them - different, for sure, but better? I doubt it.


Good luck with your move!

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