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Help Me Please...

Guest dsvilla13

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Guest dsvilla13

Hey Everyone.


I'm new to this site so this is my first thread.


I really need some constructive helpful advice without paying a third party company.:embarrassed:


I'm a 21 year old Male, not married, between jobs, & really fed up of the UK. I used to live in Adelaide at the ages of 2 & 3 but moved back to England as my parents were seperating. I still live in Staffordshire with my Mum & her partner whereas my Dad remarried & moved back to Adelaide in 2005.


Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to return to Australia but have never had the opportunity. Until recently I hadn't spoken to my father, but over the last year I have had contact with him & his partner along with my half sister through Facebook. I really have had enough of this country, the weather, the government, the unemployment situation, everything!! I have been wanting to do something about moving back since I was 16 but have always put it off. I've lived away from home for the past 2 years until this month, so now I've experienced the independent life, I know I could cope with moving back by myself...


I just need some answers to a few questions please...:confused:


Firstly, Mine & my dads relationship isn't what it should be, but I have a good relationship with his partner & my sister (12) - I was wandering if he is able to sponsor me to come over? And what the deal is with cost on his part etc... Although hes not paid anything for me since I was about 6, I still feel cheeky asking him for financial support (sponsoring etc) - But before I ask I would like to know a ball-park cost & what he would have to do if it is possible. He is a Naturalized citizen as of 2008/2009 if this helps?


Secondly, If this was the case that he could sponsor me; Would it be up to him to house me, up to him to find me work etc...?


Also, The unemployment situation in this country is obviously dire. I have a BTEC Diploma & A few GCSE's but have been working since the age of 16, I don't have a trade, just a lot of various work experience. I'm not choosy about jobs - If it pays the bills, I'll do it - Are there many jobs available in Adelaide, SA Area? Or is the unemployment rate as bad as it is here??


As you can see I really need some help with all this. Ideally I would like to be in Adelaide by the end of 2011! Please, if anyone can help me with at least one of my questions, I would be massively grateful. :wubclub:


Thank You :)


Danny x

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At your age, the easiest and quickest visa you can apply for is a working holiday visa. (http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/) This will give 12 months to figure out what to do next.


Long term, because of your age and the fact that you aren't currently dependent on your father, you are not eligible for a child visa. Which leaves student, skilled and employer / family sponsored visas.

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Guest dsvilla13

Thanks for the responses both!


Nick; No I wasn't, we moved there when i was 2, for just over a year.


And Peach, thanks for the info. Is there no way that my Dad being over there will work in my favour for a family-sponsored Visa?

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I absolutely am no expert and offer this advice in ignorance of the laws but I would suggest you look at getting a working holiday visa. You are the right age and it would mean that your ability to reside in OZ for those 12 months is not dependent on your Dad, in the mean time you could spend time looking at employment options, building your relationship with your Dad and ultimately sussing out if OZ really is the answer to your prayers!!


Wish you the best of luck xxxx

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Is there no way that my Dad being over there will work in my favour for a family-sponsored Visa?


The family sponsored visas that are open to you are skilled ones. Do you have a skill / qualification on the Skilled Occupations List? Skilled Occupation Lists (Formerly Known as Form 1121i)


You don't meet the requirements for the Last Remaining Relative visa.. As this statement doesn't appear to apply to match your circumstances: "You and your partner cannot have any other brothers, sisters, parents (or step equivalents), or non-dependent children other than those who are usually resident in Australia and are Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens."

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Guest dsvilla13

Thank you for your posts :)


Okay so that looks like the option I'm going to have to go for.


Is there any chance of turning that Working Holiday Visa into a permanent stay one once I'm out there? I dont have a trade on the list no, so if I found work over in OZ, could my employer then sponsor me for a permanent stay?

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Guest snowy10

We applied for a 176 sponsored visa without using an agent, however, before we applied we had an hour with a local migration agent to discuss our options. After this visit we decided that we could probably get a visa sorted without an agent. We are now at the point where we have lodged our visa applicatin and waiting for a case officer.

It may be worth "googling" migration agent for your local area and see if they are willing to have a chat about your situation.....and go from there.

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