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Confused about Job on Sched 4 but not on SS Lists!


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*Posted in migration as well as wasn't sure where would be best to post, sorry mods, please delete which ever is appropriate if needed :smile:*


Hi all,


Well now all the "new" immigration information seems to have been released I'm a little confused!!


My Husbands profession was on the Old Shedule 1 as a wanted profession although worded slightly different to the UK name, now its has been removed from the new Schedule 3 and is ONLY on the Schedule 4 State Sponsored list and the name matches exactly to his UK job role. The problem is, I have checked all the State Sponsored lists that they have released and I can not find his profession on ANY of them.


What is the point in the government putting a profession on the schedule 4 so people can be sponsored but then no states put the same professions on their list.


I take it if his profession is not on any states lists then we can go no further with this from his professional side??


A second question, although its hard for anyone to answer, what is the general sense that the imigration rules will be changed again with in the next 5 years?? We were planning to finally make the move in approx 3 years but Im now pregnant which means 1 yr off work, which reults in quite a fair hit on our savings, which we will need so we have upped the time back up to 5 years with this new development, Im wondering if I should move departments (I work in IT but my job is not on Sched 3 or 4 but if I applied for a job in one of the teams that is, I would by then have 3-5 yrs experience in the other role, although no formal qualification) or if we should hope Hubbys profession goes back on to Sched 3 or at the very least some states add it to their SOL!

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The schedule 4 was put together before the states did their sponsorship lists, so your "what is the point of having an occupation on sch4 but not a state sponsorship list" question is unanswerable.


DIAC listed occupations that they agreed the states could sponsor for if they so wished, the fact that none of the states have chosen to sponsor that occupation is not really DIACs fault. At least the option is open should any change their mind.


Unfortunately you are right, if the occupation is not on a state sponsorshp list then skilled migration is a dead end for you at the moment.


Considering the number of changes that have been brought in over the last couple of years, I can see no reason to think that the rules will stay the same for the next five years. You mention the time is not right for you at the moment anyway, so perhaps just keep yourself up to date with events and see if the situation changes to beenfit you.

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Thank you Pumpkin for your reply.


The only place his job is currently on the list is ACT but it seems like there are not very many job opportunities available in the area and housing is excessivly expensive, I know some people would go anywhere just to "get in" but I'd rather not put the extra pressure on ourselves before we even start by going to the ACT which is high cost of living and low opportunity of jobs.


Like you say though, were not applying for a visa right now and certainly not in the next 18 months so anything could change by then!!


I think when we do finally take the plunge the first step for us will be to see a consultation from a immi company and see if there is anything else our job roles would come under (like my IT company named role is not listed but the things I do, I have been told, may come under a different name on the lists for example). We shall have to live in hope for now!


Thank you

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