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Merry Christmas fellow PIO


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Its that time again folks, whether you are in blistering fire prone areas or paddling around in flooded gardens some vital decisions remain the same...should I spray fake snow on the windows? Should I look completely insane at the supermarket by being the only person in the queue with a turkey? And most importantly should I bust out the extremely tacky bejewelled thongs in an attempt to "make an effort" over the holiday period:biggrin:


I both love and hate this time, this will be the first Christmas my North Queensland babies will know what is going on. We have just but the big fake pine tree up in the living room and decorated it will snowflakes and snowmen. We have sorted out Father Christmas' key for access to the house as we have no chimney, he was Santa for a few hours until daddy announced we were not American!!! :eek:


Its all very exciting, but deep down there is an ache, i always get incredibly homesick this time of year. Family get togethers; proper parties that involve getting dressed up for and being welcomed into someones home; dark cold nights; at the moment snow!! Christmas shopping in coats and hats; Tescos big shop; mulled wine; even christmas pud (we have trifle or icecream xmas pud cos its so hot)....i love it all:wub:


Anyway I just wanted to say whether you are loving it; hating it; going home; staying forever etc Christmas is always hard being away from loved ones but you are not alone......SO MERRY CHRISTMAS :hug:

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Guest The Pom Queen

Merry Xmas to you to.

I do know what you mean. To us Christmas = Family get togethers. Now it is just us. However, this year I want to make sure we have the best Christmas ever (personal reasons) so we will force ourselves in to the Christmas spirit. All the pressies have been bought we just need to decide about the food. One thing I like about FNQ is that it gets dark early so feel more like Christmas compared to Melbourne.

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