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national service?


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can anybody answer this ? for me,my father keeps trying to talk me out of going to oz,today he said that when you become an australian citizen you can get called into there army if they go to war and you also have to do national service somebody please tell me he is full of ****,surely this cannot be true,can anybody help so i can put him straight

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I think he may have got Oz and Spain mixed up!!!! or he is scraping the barrel with scarey stories to put you off,bless him ,i havnt heard of this and on asking an aussie i just got laughed at!!! and on knowing alot of aussies around here god help us if they called up to war ,theyd be too drunk to fir in the right direction,lol,,

Cal x

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Guest fatpom

There's no National Service in Aus. The armed services are a professional service just like the British army (only smaller & without nuclear WMD).


When you take citizenship its stated that as a condition you will be prepared to fight for your (new) country if called upon but again that applies as a brit also (ie conscription on all citizens if needs be).

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Guest fatpom
knowing alot of aussies around here god help us if they called up to war ,theyd be too drunk to fir in the right direction,lol,,

Cal x




Interestingly the Aussies consider their armed forces the best in the world... just as the brits do for theirs. A significant number of aussies consider the the british army incompetent citing Gallipoli particularly & the Western Front generally as proof positive.:biglaugh:

Some also believe that the aussies were deliberately given the most dangerous sections of the trenches as canon fodder. My reply to that usually, is that the aussies were considered no different to any other working class regiment of the time... totally expendable. That usually gives them cause for thought... "wadyer mean working class!!!"


Many aussies (if not most) genuinely believe that only aussies were at Gallipoli & are surprised when I tell them more brits died there & totally astounded when I add more french than aussies died there. It's true! Try it sometime:biglaugh:

"Truth is a difficult concept" (Rt. Hon. Alan Clark)

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Guest old pom

Never heard such a load of tripe Fatpom in all the 30 plus years I've lived here. I've never heard an Aussie say such things but then I don't go round trying to compete as you obviously do. I think you'll find more Australian lives were lost per capita than other nations. But maybe that's more Anzac lives. What does it matter? War is a terrible thing.

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Guest KP Nuts
can anybody answer this ? for me,my father keeps trying to talk me out of going to oz,today he said that when you become an australian citizen you can get called into there army if they go to war and you also have to do national service somebody please tell me he is full of ****,surely this cannot be true,can anybody help so i can put him straight



If I were you i'd be more worried about Comissioner Gordon moving to OZ an putting the search light on for you!!!!!!!!!!! 36_11_6.gif


Mr KP Nut. 363p.gif

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Guest fatpom
Never heard such a load of tripe Fatpom in all the 30 plus years I've lived here. I've never heard an Aussie say such things but then I don't go round trying to compete as you obviously do. I think you'll find more Australian lives were lost per capita than other nations. But maybe that's more Anzac lives. What does it matter? War is a terrible thing.


Tripe? Of course it is! :biglaugh: You seriously trying to tell me friends & colleagues don't occasionally rib you for being an Imperialist English Bastard "who sent our all our poor diggers to their fate whilst drinking the finest Claret in the Chateau beyond canon range" and who "shot our Breaker Morant just for following orders".

In fact are you seriously saying your aussie mates don't take any & every opportunity to rib you for simply being a mate even if you are a pommy one at that? :biglaugh:

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