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Don't believe the doom mongers :)

Guest chris955

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The news coming from europe, Greece is a disaster zone financially and is being propped up by the eurozone. Spain is on its knees financially also and apparently theres 20% unemployed and Portugals finances are in the dustbin and they are not far behind greece. Ireland is in free fall house prices have slumped about 30% and loads of poor folk are in negative equity, so....................... its not ALL doom and gloom from the uk, we are definately doing better than all these countries.


Ferrari sales up in Marbella | Marbella | Guide to Marbella

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I think you misunderstood, I took that to mean they are selling more apartments (150,000 - 300,000) than top end villas (500,000 upwards) although I believe it to be the opposite.


Of course people try to buy at the cheapest price but I don't think thats the point they are trying to make.


Aldo - you just posted a link to a news article and made no comment. There was nothing you said that I could misunderstand. Cheers.

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Isn't Marbella the Spanish Monaco? No surprise here! :biggrin:


I was just saying...:eek:.


@ fleabo. You quoted the article, i suggested you misunderstood the part of the article you quoted.:wacko:

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Its very regional here, for example there are thousand of holiday appartment built in the boom that are unsold, so you could pick up a top end 3 bed apt with very high spec finishings for well under 200,000 but they are in the unestablished areas. The bloke i do a lot of work for is a multi millionare and very "cash" rich and is buying like a mad man.

Spain in general is having it tough but here but here the economy is based (mainly) on tourism and that is picking up and I've noticed a few more coaches in the hotel down the road from me.

Problem is with the Spanish is they are extremly stuburn and when they have a restaurant only 20% full they think that the solution is to increase prices 80% to make it up:wacko:. They are slowly understanding that they need to lower the prices to get bums on seats.


Theres loads on that link cheaper than that tho? ok they might be in underdeveloped areas but i'd prefer that i reckon,dont think i'd want to live in a built up area,saying that,i dont know just HOW rural spains rural is,but theres villa's on that link in Numancia for 165 thou,seems dead cheap to me,maybe something for me to think about IF oz doesnt work out:idea:

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Theres loads on that link cheaper than that tho? ok they might be in underdeveloped areas but i'd prefer that i reckon,dont think i'd want to live in a built up area,saying that,i dont know just HOW rural spains rural is,but theres villa's on that link in Numancia for 165 thou,seems dead cheap to me,maybe something for me to think about IF oz doesnt work out:idea:


When is say unestablished areas i mean new ubanizations that are row upon row of same style concrete jungle type apartments, there are the bargains. If you want rural you can still get bargains, you can still get "rural" but within 1/2 hours drive from the coast.

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I was just saying...:eek:.

If you were saying 'Ferrari sales go up in S****horpe', that would be worthy of note. But not Marbella (or Monaco)!

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If you were saying 'Ferrari sales go up in S****horpe', that would be worthy of note. But not Marbella (or Monaco)!


OK..what ever......:eek:

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