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UK / Irish Families in Melbourne

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Any UK / Irish people looking to get in touch in Melbourne?


Moved here 2 years ago with wife and son now 3. My wife and I are both 29. Living in the South East of Melbourne.


Looking for people interested in socialising as a family or without the kids if you have any.


Starting to miss the humor etc from UK / Irish people and think there must be people in the same boat.


Post here if you have any interest and we might be able to organise something coming into the better weather.





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Any UK / Irish people looking to get in touch in Melbourne?


Moved here 2 years ago with wife and son now 3. My wife and I are both 29. Living in the South East of Melbourne.


Looking for people interested in socialising as a family or without the kids if you have any.


Starting to miss the humor etc from UK / Irish people and think there must be people in the same boat.


Post here if you have any interest and we might be able to organise something coming into the better weather.






Hi Danny,


Hi we're in same boat, been in Oz 3 years but recently moved to Melbourne so feel like starting out all over again. I'm from UK and hubby Irish both mid 30's, we have 2 girls, nearly 3 and 3.5mths. We're in Box Hill eastern subs and interested in any meet ups. cheers, Becky and Dave

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Any UK / Irish people looking to get in touch in Melbourne?


Moved here 2 years ago with wife and son now 3. My wife and I are both 29. Living in the South East of Melbourne.


Looking for people interested in socialising as a family or without the kids if you have any.


Starting to miss the humor etc from UK / Irish people and think there must be people in the same boat.


Post here if you have any interest and we might be able to organise something coming into the better weather.






Hey Danny, Me (32) & OH (no kids) are moving from Dublin to melbourne later this month, keep us up to date if you are having any meet ups in Dec and we will see if we can meet up.


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Thanks for the note. Not sure if you noticed from other threads but we did manage to arrange a meeting but it was cancelled due to rain! There is a annual Mornintion meet that was also cancelled due to rain. I will check with the organiser of that and see if we can set another date early December. There are enough people in the same boat so we should be able to get a few people to come along.


Good luck with the move Louise and OH, you are arriving into the nice weather, not like we did in June, rain and storms and staying in a freezing cold house on the coast. We moved very quickly! Hope to meet you soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

oh yes recently moved to melbourne from Ireland. three kids all under 7. myself and my partner are very interested in getting to know people although at the opposite end of melbourne in the the south western suburbs but happy to meet anywhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...
oh yes recently moved to melbourne from Ireland. three kids all under 7. myself and my partner are very interested in getting to know people although at the opposite end of melbourne in the the south western suburbs but happy to meet anywhere.




Sorry I didnt reply sooner. We have been a bit busy with new house and our second is due on the 7th Jan so we are not moving to far from the house at the moment. If no one else organises something before hand I will plan a get together in Melbourne for anyone interested and new comers early next year. It may be around March before I can do it as we have family coming late jan until early march but the weather should still be nice then.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest juniperjules

hi Danny...probably a silly question, but is Coyle your surname? im a Coyle too, born in Scotland and emirated to melb in the 80s (as a child) with my folks and sister. i just stumbled across this website and then somehow came across your post and saw your name! we could be related : ) (or not...im sure theres thousands of coyles! but you never know!)


this website is a great idea- my folks have been here a long time now but they have always really missed some of the more subtle parts of life in the Uk, like as you said the humour etc.... its something thats hard to explain to people who have never moved a world away from family and friends- you only really get it if youve actually done it. something like this wouldve been great for my parents years ago. and although ive lived here for 27yrs, im still scottish at heart, have been back many times and still miss all our family sooooooo much- especially this time of year.


i'll keep an eye on whether you end up going ahead with a catch up in 2011, and might come along, ive got loads of wonderful aussie friends, but its still nice to talk to people that 'get' where you came from- its just not quite the same.


good luck to you and your wife with the new baby, exciting times!



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We are Coyles with the s, so slighly different, but probably originated from the same name. I know the sites like this are great and make things a lot easier, there seem to be more Scottish people around than English and I never bump into any other Irish people where we live. It is good to remember where you come from as well as enjoy where you are. I like learning about other cultures and its a great place to do that. I will def arrange a meet up for early 2011, you should come along, it should be a good day out.


Baby Orin arrived yesterday, he is doing well, just hope Clare gets out in time for New Year's Eve!


Best wishes



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