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Buying a second hand car - Best way to pay ?


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I'm just about to buy a second hand car in Victoria. Can anyone give advise on the best / most secure way to pay ? In the UK, a bankers draft is the norm is there anything similar in Oz.


Also any other second hand tips / things to be careful about (apart from the obvious) would be appreciated.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Bosh

It is worth having a read of the RACV Buying a 2nd hand car - buying a used car - RACV


What you may find is that the seller will not put the car in for its roadworthy until they have a buyer, it is common practice over here and that is because the road worthy certificate only lasts 1 month, so if they don't sell the car in that time they have to put it through the roadworthy again. If this is the case you may be asked to put down a deposit to hold the car, I wouldn't recommend anything over $100 because if the car fails the road worthy they may not have the funds to put it right. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter how you pay because it is a case of buyer beware and you wouldn't have any comeback on the seller. You may find that the buyer prefers cash or bank transfer, either way they will have to have clear funds before they allow you to take the car, some people may also accept a bank cheque.

Good luck with the process.


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