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Relative's/Friends' Resentment of Migration


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I've noticed a few people make comments in recent posts relating to difficulties with friends and relatives in accepting the decision to migrate and find a new life Downunder. I was wondering if people wanted to air their thoughts in this thread.


Personally, my family have been very supportive of my decision to move over here, but I do feel that sometimes they feel that we are being rather selfish. There are also family members with whom I had a close relationship whilst in the UK, who have failed to call even once. They have been friendly enough when I call them, but the call has never been reciprocated.


It must be said our imminent return is certainly being received with great excitement


It is our choice to come over, after all! I hope this is relevant to this category!


Thoughts and experiences...

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Guest guest36187
It is our choice to come over, after all!


Thats it, in a nutshell! I think what some people tend to forget is we are expecting flags and whistles when we announce that we are moving to the other side of the world. If a rellie of mine did that, I`d never stop them going but it would be upsetting. I`d struggle to get excited for a while I think.

We had a variety of responses from `what the hell are you going for?` to `you know you`ll never see us again right` to `I dont like that you are going but good luck` to `I wanna know EVERYTHING`. Everyone handles it differently. Friends of ours thought we were so brave to move and myself, I didnt see it like that!


I just told everyone we were moving house and then said where the house was!!!!!

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Guest siamsusie

I moved away leaving a son in London (The other was away in the far east) and I was given their blessing. Many conversations were had, all positive on their front until "leaving day" which was heart breaking.


I found their attitude totally selfless and it has brought us so much closer together, we all speak practically every day on skype.


Close friends and family gave me their blessing and looked upon it "as somewhere to go for their hols" and on the whole have remained in touch. Those that havent I put down to human wastage! lol.


Had it happen to me being left behind, I only hope I would have had their courage and foresight to follow suit. Susie x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LongwayDown

My advice?? Steer your own wheelbarrow. With the exception of close family none of your so called friends really give a toss. Once your out of their personal routine theyll soon forget you ever existed. I used to try and keep in touch with mates in the mother land for quite a while with regular phone calls, but after a period i realised it was all one way traffic. Comments like "Keep in touch and dont leave it so long next time" began to annoy me when i never received a call from them once. Thats of course until they need accommodation in Australia and then youll get a phone call or email every week.

The fact is people have a routine and if your not in you drift apart.

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I sometimes think that what comes across as resentment is perhaps (but not always) about people coping with imment loss, moving to Aus will will a massive gap in your loved ones lives, the things they took for granted, being able to call you up or call in for a chat, seeing you on special occassions, will all now take considerably more planning if they ever happen at all.


If people come across as resentful ... stick with it .. they may be dealing with their own feelings about your departure.


For me personally, my dad was very supportive of our move , didn't stop us both crying knowing we wouldn't be seeing each other as regularly though when we said our final goodbye


Ali x

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None of my friends or family have phoned me or made any effort to keep in touch (except for my dad). Its taken me a long time to come to terms with it as I've managed to put the effort in and keep in touch but it seems that it aint gonna happen the other way around. You certianly learn who your true friends and family are. Just have to move on.

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I agree with a lot of the experiences within this post!


My own experience is that if you're "not in the loop" as in "physically not there" you seem to get bypassed along the way....................


I KNOW it's not because they don't care....in my heart I KNOW they do as these are long standing Friendships of mine like 15 years plus BUT you're just NOT THERE to share their experiences on a day to day basis and unfortunately you can end up feeling like it's all a one way street.............


You just have to try and not take it too personally but yeah I admit, it does make you think when you're the one doing all the texting, calls, emails, Skype, cards etc............ certainly sorts out all the "dead wood" in your life lol!


Do remember that the majority probably think we're "living the life of Riley" out here and sometimes think "Jeez, what has she got to moan about" BUT the fact is..........we're loving it, living it, enjoying and appreciating the experience BUT it's still "LIFE" as we know it.......same s*** BUT slightly shinier shovel!


Sometimes you just have to live your life and worry about Number 1...........could get run over by a bus tomorrow!

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