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UK House Rating System


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Can someone please explain the way houses are rated for local taxes in the UK. I see houses with "council band 4" for example in the house sales websites. Is there a difference between the way houses in Scotland are rated to those in England? Does the number of people living in a house affect the rates?

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Guest valleylass

Hi Friedparsley


I 've read your other thread and no I don't think you are crazy for wanting to come back - and financially it may well be the best time to do so. On the taxing rating here, I cannot speak for Scotland, council tax banding is what used to be 'rates' I think. It was brought in during the Thatcher years as poll tax and then adapted from a individual tax to a housing based one. If you check out the government website it should tell you the banding valuation based on 1991 property prices. For example my new (I'm so excited about it) house is in band B which the value was approximately 47,500 pounds in 1991. This means we'll pay about 110 pounds a months council tax this goes to send council and they spend it on luxury massages - sorry no lighting, refuse collection etc. Basically the larger and more valuable the house the larger the council tax bill.


Hope this helps

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