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If money was no object...?


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So lovely PIO'ers...


If money was no object, what would you do? Would you change anything about your life? Would you go on a mad spending spree? Perhaps you would have a career change or start up a charity?


For me, I would make sure my family and friends were secure financially. Then I'd buy a farmhouse in the Lake District (UK) and a home in Williamstown (Melbourne). Then I'd train to become a photographer and build a state of the art darkroom in my home and travel the world taking some incredible photos along the way. Oh, then in order to keep the OH content I'd build a recording studio for his passion. (Lots of building then, lol).


I can dream....:idea:


What about you?

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Guest guest37336
So lovely PIO'ers...


If money was no object, what would you do? Would you change anything about your life? Would you go on a mad spending spree? Perhaps you would have a career change or start up a charity?


For me, I would make sure my family and friends were secure financially. Then I'd buy a farmhouse in the Lake District (UK) and a home in Williamstown (Melbourne). Then I'd train to become a photographer and build a state of the art darkroom in my home and travel the world taking some incredible photos along the way. Oh, then in order to keep the OH content I'd build a recording studio for his passion. (Lots of building then, lol).


I can dream....:idea:


What about you?


Hi Katherine.


Much like yourself, family and friends first. Then would buy a place in Florida Keys and Exmouth, Western Australia so constant Bonefishing no matter the time of year. Then I would get my political party off the ground with some media advertising etc, run a newspaper in conjunction with RAW UK, and get the 'truth' (see REAL ISSUES) out there, no matter how hard, then I would be very happy.


I couldn't NOT work, if you know what I mean, but the luxury of money would make it possible to work, but on projects I 'really' believe in.


Cheers Tony:wink:

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Hi Katherine.


Much like yourself, family and friends first. Then would buy a place in Florida Keys and Exmouth, Western Australia so constant Bonefishing no matter the time of year. Then I would get my political party off the ground with some media advertising etc, run a newspaper in conjunction with RAW UK, and get the 'truth' out there, no matter how hard, then I would be very happy.


I couldn't NOT work, if you know what I mean, but the luxury of money would make it possible to work, but on projects I 'really' believe in.


Cheers Tony:wink:


Sounds great. What would your political party be called? Imagine an unbiased newspaper and a political party that would tell the truth. Pretty mind blowing concept mate and I love it! :yes: Fingers crossed you get some way to fullfilling it one day. I'd vote for ya! :notworthy:

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i honestly hinna got a clue fit i wud d we a heap o money, av got health so far and am very happy so really dont know, but you keep your camera clicking and enjoy:laugh::laugh:


Aww - that's cool! If you don't know what you would do with loadsa money it speaks volumes about how content you must be! Lucky man! (Nice to dream though eh!)

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Guest guest37336
Sounds great. What would your political party be called? Imagine an unbiased newspaper and a political party that would tell the truth. Pretty mind blowing concept mate and I love it! :yes: Fingers crossed you get some way to fullfilling it one day. I'd vote for ya! :notworthy:


Hi Katherine.


I think I am allowed to say this as my party is a purely non profit organisation, but I think the mods may look at it differently. If so I will delete the post.:wubclub: I apologise in advance if this is the case.


The party registered by The Electoral Commission is called RAW UK. A bit of a play on words Katherine, it means 'Right And Wrong' but can also be read as raw/roar. Basically it is in the process of being developed. The website etc, with the aid of several PIO members influence is coming along and should be up and running in a few months.


I have tried for years to get the REAL issues facing this country in the public eye, i.e., The real heroes of our time, the soldiers, nurses, etc. The 'culture' of 'celebrity' that seems to be overtaking us. The way we treat the elderly. The 'lottery' of national heath care for cancer etc, bloody hell Katherine I could go on forever, the list is endless.


I have tried EVERY way of getting such issues highlighted, and the forming of a political party believe me is nearly as complicated as a migration application to DIAC.:biglaugh:


So when push came to shove I decided to take this path, and in the very near future I hope that what RAW UK does will leave the powers to be and the people of this country little chance of not seeing what is truly wrong.


I apologise Katherine, I have waffled yet again and ruined the thread. I am at present slapping myself around the face and I promise to keep it on thread in future, but you did ask.:wubclub:


Cheers Tony:wink:

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Yes I did ask! And I have to say that I take my hat off to you :notworthy: So many people see ill with the world yet do nothing to address it (If I am honest I find myself in this category). I hope the Mods don't delete as I think its actually very inspiring and I hope that it all becomes a resounding success. Very inspiring indeed :)


On a more lighthearted and potentially vain note, If I had loadsa money, I'd love to waltz into Selfridges and turn my nose up at all the horrid staff who turn their nose up at the likes of ordinary women (not sure the way i dress is 'cool' as I have pretty specific taste!) and flash my gold card around. Bit like that scene in pretty woman I guess...the girls here will know what I am saying! :daydreaming:

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Guest guest36187

Id make sure family were secure.


Beachfront property.


Music room - For the Sax, drums and grand piano. (already got the saxaphone!)


Mark a new 4x4.


Me a new car


Holidays a bit more exclusively.


Fly family and friends out here who normally wouldnt have the means to come.

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Guest siamsusie

I would build our children's dream homes. Secondly an Observatory for my husband.

Lastly to be able to build the perfect Orphanage on a hobby farm.


Oh and a wee treat for me, a trip on the Trans Siberian Express:cool:

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I would build our children's dream homes. Secondly an Observatory for my husband.

Lastly to be able to build the perfect Orphanage on a hobby farm.


Oh and a wee treat for me, a trip on the Trans Siberian Express:cool:


All sounds great Susie. All this dreaming and I don't even do the lottery. Its good to dream though...:daydreaming:

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Guest Working to fish

I would stand at the boat ramp and buy all the fish off the guys coming in ,oh and a camera .




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aye theres alot we cud learn fae BOBJ . But a think the morrel o your thread is happiness and health is the most important thing in life and one that money cant buy:wink:


You've just gone and put me to shame. Indeed you are right Stevie. But, there's no harm in daydreaming from time to time - or is there?


I guess the moral of the story is that in order to be happy, you have to be happy anyway. Money of course won't correct the fundamental desire to be happy - but I guess it would help a wee bit....:notworthy:

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You've just gone and put me to shame. Indeed you are right Stevie. But, there's no harm in daydreaming from time to time - or is there?


I guess the moral of the story is that in order to be happy, you have to be happy anyway. Money of course won't correct the fundamental desire to be happy - but I guess it would help a wee bit....:notworthy:

do i detect a we bit of scot in yoursel? your accent?:hug:
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Guest siamsusie
All sounds great Susie. All this dreaming and I don't even do the lottery. Its good to dream though...:daydreaming:


:laugh:Katherine, I never win anything, but my husband has the "lucky touch" he wins the Grand Nationals, the TV's , the $50,000 prize on Save the Children, that is why I put his name on everything now in the hope of.....


This is where our marriage vows kick in :laugh:whats yours is mine:twitcy:

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:laugh:Katherine, I never win anything, but my husband has the "lucky touch" he wins the Grand Nationals, the TV's , the $50,000 prize on Save the Children, that is why I put his name on everything now in the hope of.....


This is where our marriage vows kick in :laugh:whats yours is mine:twitcy:


Does he have any mates? :biglaugh:


Seriously, thats amazing. Don't blame you for putting his name on things! I've never won anything in my life! :cry: (well, apart from a gorgeous man, and a chance of a great new life down under...) Now I feel rather smug. :cute:

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Guest siamsusie
Does he have any mates? :biglaugh:


Seriously, thats amazing. Don't blame you for putting his name on things! I've never won anything in my life! :cry: (well, apart from a gorgeous man, and a chance of a great new life down under...) Now I feel rather smug. :cute:

And thats all you need! seriously:notworthy:
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