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Can you believe it!


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We've only recently told a few people in our village of what our plans are,thenwe told Kev's 2 bosses because he needed a reference from them and then the school as the school hols are looming and we might need to get paperwork together before they return.

All were told in confidence and to keep it quiet till we were definate and had the visa.


Someone blabbed big time not the 2 bosses not the 2 neighbours but the headmistress of the school.Blabbed to a councillor who then balbbed to another who then spoke to Kev's boss and then to Kev himself.


Monday comes Kev's boss wants a word with him to tell him it wasn't her or the other boss.Kev tells her about the councillor who had spoken to him on the friday.The boss then tells Kev that the concillor got it from this other councillor(who might as well be the daily bugle)and he got it from the headmistress.


On seeing her this am she said she'd told him on the quiet and all she could say was apologies once and walk away as though she couldn't care less.

Apparently its all about keeping school numbers up and she didn't want to loose any pupils,

or so thats what we've been told.


We are so gob smacked( sorry if this offends) by her breach of confidentiality and lack of (whatever can't think of the word)


We are just:shocked::shocked::shocked:

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You are quite right people in responsible positions like that are not expected to blab about other peoples confidential plans... i would be horrified also!!!


but just think you will be going soon and so her numbers will drop!!..ha ha.... you could always write a letter to the LEA when you are leaving to say you were concerned about her values towards what is really important for the school.... it might help you get it off your chest!!


min x:wubclub:

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Guest Abi&Dan

That's disgusting!! And I totally agree with Min - those are not the attitudes of either quality headmistresses or councillors and you should definitely write letters of complaint about their attitudes :realmad:

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I'd have written and posted the letter already. How dare she? She should have asked your permission to tell anyone - what you going to do - stay 'cos of her numbers. I think she breached your confidentiality and I'd be angry too.



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Unless the councillor was a member of the school governing body or a member of the education authority the head teacher had no business discussing school matters with them. Even if this was the case, she still should not be discussing anything that a parent has told her in confidence.


My opinion is that 'school numbers' is a feeble excuse for blabbing!

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Oh dear, she has broken a school/parent confidentiality act surely! How unprofessional and how worrying too!

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Yes one of the councillors is a member of the governing body but as far as we're concerned she shouldn't have told him either,especially as we told her no one knew and we didn't want anyone else to know yet and we were just putting her on alert to get things ready for us just in case it happened before or during the school hols.He should not have repeated it to other councillors either as Kev works for the council and its lucky we had told his bosses otherwise there could have been real problems.

We haven't told kev's mum yet as she is going through chemo so now things are more stressful for us to tell her before she hears rumours in the next village.We didn't want to do it yet so not to upset her any more as this chemo is her last chance.

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