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HELP! Shipping boxes query!!


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Help, I've just got started on packing up our approx 6 boxes worth of stuff to go next week & discovered that sevenseas need a definite Australia delivery address.

I misunderstood their website & thought you could give a temporary address then change it when you find a rental, now it says I can't.

All we've got lined up are holiday rentals for the first 3 weeks!

Do you think I'll be ok to put the holiday rental address on the box and then just turn up there on the day to receive them??

Also they need phone numbers for when we're in Australia but obviously we haven't got any yet!

Another simple thing that has got complicated!!

We can't be the only ones shipping boxes without a permanent address in Australia.

Any ideas gratefully received.

Ellie xx

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Guest dawnpepper

Hi, yes we did the same as you. We put our temporary address on the boxes and gave them our uk mobile number as we originally bought our phones with us (they were pay as you go). We didn't have any problems. We collected our own boxes from the airport as well and just took our passports with us for ID for collection. Good luck with it all.

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Guest Guest31881

Just a thought, but would it be worth asking if any PIO members in the area you are moving to, who would be willing to let you use there address and phone number just for delivery

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Hi Ellie,


Just give them the address that you've got. When you are here in a rental and have a new address and mobile phone sorted out email the movers in the UK and email the movers who are handling things over here in OZ of your change of address and phone number as long as you are in the same general area there should be no problem.


Good luck


The oldgit

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Thank you so much for your quick replies.

The boxes are being shipped and I chose the door to door option after hearing horror stories about people having problems collecting stuff from customs!!

I have just rung sevenseas in desperation and they have told me that I can change the destination address so long as I do it before my boxes arrive in Oz (not what it says in my paperwork!) so phew!!

Thankyou Dawnpepper, I'll use my home mobile as it is pay as you go, why didn't I think of that!!

Don't know what I'd do without this forum!!

Thankyou all, now if we could have some positive thinking for my IELT's result tomorrow I'd be even happier!! xx

Ellie x

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