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Advice on 175 visa


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Hi there, firstly i would like to say what a great forum this is, been reading it for a week now and find it very usefull.

I have a few questions of my own if you dont mind, we myself my wife and our four year old daughter are toying with the idea of going for a 175 skilled visa i will be the main applicant as im a carpenter assuming its on the new list, from using some of the points calculators im scoring 110, 10 short of the needed so the ielts would give me extra 10 points right? if so which one is it the academic or general?

Next question is on funds, all our savings have been spent on a property abroad which we are hoping to sell but with the current market who knows when it would go maybe six months maybe six years..... also have a little bit of equity on our house in the uk. If we do start the ball rolling we will start saving right away and should be able to get most of the funds needed in aproximately two years, so my question is when do you have to prove your funds is it when you lodge your visa? lets say for arguement sake i done mine in september there is no way i would have the funds then, or is it when and if your visa is granted from what i gather is about years from start date which shouldn't be a problem...

Also im going to try to do the application myself with a little help from here ;) but was wondering if any agents/companies do something like a check and send service?

Thans in advance Chris

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Guest cham11

Hi there, you don't need to prove funds with the 175. You only need to state, on the app form, a realistic estimate on what you're going to bring.


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