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Chid's nationality


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Not sure if CTF is the place for this but there's no real forum that fits ideally, and it's only a "what if" question with a couple of controversial comments. :biggrin:


If we have another child whilst in Australia does it automatically become an Australian citizen, or is it British by nature of us only being PR and not citizens ourself (yet)?


If we are citizens (i.e. dual nationality) does this change anything?


Would like any future offspring to have a UK passport (not really sure why as blighty will still be bankrupt for at least their generation) but given that he / she / they will probably want to do some bar work in London (sweeping generalisation, I know) it might be better to have a UK passport for work purposes should any future government actually get a grip on UK immigration.

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To be a bit clearer. If you are PR and in Oz when the baby is born then the baby will be an Australian citizen by birth.

The baby will also be a UK citizen by descent. Although being born overseas means they will not be able to pass the UK citizenship to their children by descent if those children are born outside the UK.

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