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Any 9-10 yr old girls in melbourne?

Guest Spindy

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Guest Spindy

Hiya Everyone!

I'm a 9 yr old girl who is hopefully moving to Melbourne in the next 1 year or so. Is there anyone who could tell me what the schools are like and if they'd be friends with me? And also, could you tell me if you're living there now if there are many snakes or spiders, or both!!

Thanks, Ava x

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Ava

I know the member Herbies has two daughters who I am sure would love to help you.

If she doesn't see this post and no one answers let me know and I will put you in touch with them.


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hi my name is jenny and i am 11. i have lived in melbourne australia my whole life but my mum and dad are english. the schools here are pretty good but i am not sure how i would compare them to english schools as i have never been to one. as for snakes and spiders, you see quite a few (tiny) spiders but no snakes around melbourne.

i hope that this has been some help to you,

Jenny x

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hi 9 yr old girl who is hopefuly moving to melbourne

I have resently moved to melbourne, so I know how you feel!:hug:at first it was realy hard but the people in the schools are realy nice and just want to be your freind!!!all the time

I have lived in mel(short for melbourne)I have only seen your small every day spiders and

ABSOLUTLY NO SNAKAS WHAT SO EVER!!!!!snakes do not live in mel because mel is a city and there are lots of people snakes stay away from citys and ony live in the outback,it is also the same with big spiders.and any way if you did see one it woud only run away in fear and only atack you if you atack it first.dont let anyone tell you to be afraid because they are just being mean and trying to scare you

cachya latter tasha:wink:

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hi there

my girls are 12 and my boy is 8 and we have been in melbourne for 3 months

they have all started school 3 weeks ago and although they are missing their uk friends they have made loads of friends here the girls have already been to a birthday party and had a sleep over x

we have seen some spiders but just think they are more frightened than you and we havent seen a snake either xxx good luck with your move it will be fun x

carole x

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Guest Spindy

Hiya Tasha, Thanks a Load for all the brill info youve given me. my uk bb(best bud) Grace is close 2 tears because i just could be movin'... Ill miss her loads, but as you said, i bet the kids in oz/mel are lovley!

thanks! Ava! xxx

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Guest mollywhitear1

Hi Tasha,

I'm Molly. This is my first day on poms in oz and I was reading the messages and then i came across yours. You put loads of good advice on there and I was wondering... do you know anything about the Sunshine Coast???? I am also worried about starting a new school, how easy was it to make new friends?? And what are the schools like??


I'd like to speak to you more as your already in Australia!!


Best wishes from Molly xx:yellow_guy_smiling_:happy_face_sticking

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Guest Pommy girl 1998

Heyya 9 year old girl moving to melbourne, im Jodie and im 11 years old which is a couple of years older than you but i dont mind being friends...

i am moving to sunshine coast in queensland but i am not moving yet,, and when i went there on holiday we went to see a school and it seemed fairly nice but i didnt see a lot of it. I am not really sure but when i wwent to australia i saw a couple of kinda big spiders but no snakes whatsoever (apart from in the zoo of course!!) which is a relief because im frightened to death of both of them!

hope to speak to you soon

love Jodie xxxx : )

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