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im worried.

Guest leahmac

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Guest leahmac

My mum and dad are really thinking about moving to Perth and im 14 years old ive got so many friends here and i don't want to say goodbye to them. :unsure:


I know that i have to go if we get accepted but there are so many things i am worried about, like... making new friends (im really shy) and going to a new school.


Can anyone help me ? :/ :confused: :err:

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Guest guest37336
My mum and dad are really thinking about moving to Perth and im 14 years old ive got so many friends here and i don't want to say goodbye to them. :unsure:


I know that i have to go if we get accepted but there are so many things i am worried about, like... making new friends (im really shy) and going to a new school.


Can anyone help me ? :/ :confused: :err:


Hi leahmac.


I know that there will be many people on here who can give you some support, they may not be able to give you ANSWERS, but I am sure they will show their support and tell you how they dealt with the 'BIG' move. I was like you when I was younger mate/love (Not sure if you a boy or girl, so I will play safe. My parents moved from one county to another, then one COUNTRY and another on so many occasions that I can no longer remember all the places I saw, experienced, etc, etc.


And I was just like you. Trying to fit into a new school, country, takes a lot of time and patience. It isn't easy, but there again it isn't difficult at all. You sound like the type of person who will fit in anywhere. I only say this because look at what you have just done. At fourteen years old you have had the good sense to come on here and ask questions. Good for you, I know at your age I would have never done the same thing.


God, if you think you are shy, you should have seen me. I wouldn't say boo to anyone, let alone come on a forum and ask this type of question. So straight away it shows how confident and forthright you can be, so to say you are shy, I reckon you could be doing yourself an injustice.


Of course it may be difficult to try and settle in Australia and a new school, but I will tell you this, for every bad experience you have, and there won't be many, you will have ten more good experiences, I guarantee you that fact. Just when you think you have had a bad day along will come something or someone and what they say or do will lift you up again, and you will feel silly for feeling bad.


Listen, to be given the chance to go to Australia is a chance very few people get. At the MOMENT it seems as though it is one big worry, but just wait until you get out there. It will be the adventure of a lifetime, full of hundreds of Ups, very few downs indeed. The things you will see, do, touch, taste, smell, will be like starting a new life again, one where it no time at all you will find yourself surrounded by many friends, (Some Aussies, who are weird by the way, only kidding) they are one of the most friendliest and welcoming people I know. You will meet many Brits to, who are or have been in exactly the same position as you, and I guarantee you will look at all these people and realise that there really wasn't any need to worry.


Just take one day at a time, try and understand Mum and Dads decision a little, because I am sure they are thinking about moving to Australia not only for them, but as their son/daughter they will always have your best interests at heart. They are thinking about this because they want you all to have the best possible life there is.


Don't forget, the friends you have back here WILL ALWAYS be your friends, just because you have moved real friends will always help and listen and be there when you need them. You will in no time make loads of new friends in Australia, lucky when you think about it. Not many people your age has that many friends who will all be different, what an adventure.


So don't worry so much, it will be great, mark my words. ENJOY it.

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Guest leahmac
Hi leahmac.


I know that there will be many people on here who can give you some support, they may not be able to give you ANSWERS, but I am sure they will show their support and tell you how they dealt with the 'BIG' move. I was like you when I was younger mate/love (Not sure if you a boy or girl, so I will play safe. My parents moved from one county to another, then one COUNTRY and another on so many occasions that I can no longer remember all the places I saw, experienced, etc, etc.


And I was just like you. Trying to fit into a new school, country, takes a lot of time and patience. It isn't easy, but there again it isn't difficult at all. You sound like the type of person who will fit in anywhere. I only say this because look at what you have just done. At fourteen years old you have had the good sense to come on here and ask questions. Good for you, I know at your age I would have never done the same thing.


God, if you think you are shy, you should have seen me. I wouldn't say boo to anyone, let alone come on a forum and ask this type of question. So straight away it shows how confident and forthright you can be, so to say you are shy, I reckon you could be doing yourself an injustice.


Of course it may be difficult to try and settle in Australia and a new school, but I will tell you this, for every bad experience you have, and there won't be many, you will have ten more good experiences, I guarantee you that fact. Just when you think you have had a bad day along will come something or someone and what they say or do will lift you up again, and you will feel silly for feeling bad.


Listen, to be given the chance to go to Australia is a chance very few people get. At the MOMENT it seems as though it is one big worry, but just wait until you get out there. It will be the adventure of a lifetime, full of hundreds of Ups, very few downs indeed. The things you will see, do, touch, taste, smell, will be like starting a new life again, one where it no time at all you will find yourself surrounded by many friends, (Some Aussies, who are weird by the way, only kidding) they are one of the most friendliest and welcoming people I know. You will meet many Brits to, who are or have been in exactly the same position as you, and I guarantee you will look at all these people and realise that there really wasn't any need to worry.


Just take one day at a time, try and understand Mum and Dads decision a little, because I am sure they are thinking about moving to Australia not only for them, but as their son/daughter they will always have your best interests at heart. They are thinking about this because they want you all to have the best possible life there is.


Don't forget, the friends you have back here WILL ALWAYS be your friends, just because you have moved real friends will always help and listen and be there when you need them. You will in no time make loads of new friends in Australia, lucky when you think about it. Not many people your age has that many friends who will all be different, what an adventure.


So don't worry so much, it will be great, mark my words. ENJOY it.





I would like to thank you so much for what you have given me, its truly helped me realizing i have to also think about what my mum and dad want for me in the future. It means alot to me :) :biggrin:

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Guest guest37336
I would like to thank you so much for what you have given me, its truly helped me realizing i have to also think about what my mum and dad want for me in the future. It means alot to me :) :biggrin:


No problem.


All I can say once again is this. That I have been exactly where you have been in your head. And I reckon I have done all right for myself. Ask others and they may say I am :wacko:. But in the vast majority of cases people and indeed I would have to admit that my early dealings with not only Australia, but also other countries have held me in good stead in my adult life. So, enjoy it, experience things that to most are impossible, learn from your time out there, but above all else, ENJOY.

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  • 2 weeks later...



My daughter was a little younger when we moved (11), She had the same reservations that you've expressed, leaving friends, family and her whole life as she knew it. Now at 15 she's still in contact with the people she was friends with in the UK by facebook and email. She's made a lovley group of friends and she is happy here.


One of the things we did, which may help you, is that because we knew the area we were living, we contacted the school she would be going to, the principle organised a pen pal who would be in her year, and they chatted via computer before she came. It made starting school a little less daunting.


Let your mum and dad know how your feeling, you may be surprised to know that they're probably feeling very apprehensive too about making such a big move.


Good luck


Ali x

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Guest red back

"Adventure is the key to staying young". You will be fine and when your 40 you can look back and say, " Hey guess what I did when I was 14".

Oh and the girls are really really cute, well that's what my Son tells me..

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Guest goonerlady

Hi Leahmac.My middle daughter is 13 and was 11 nearly 12 when we moved here.She loves it in Australia and has lots of friends.We are moving soon to a different part of WA and she is really excited.The girls at school seem really friendly here and are used to Brits arriving mid term.Sue.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest MeganHumphreys

hey i'm 15,

i've been in mandurah for just over a year now

message me if you have any questions, happy to help darl

when i first came over when i was fourteen i didnt talk to anyone at school cos i'm the biggest loser -.-

i think it was all a big shock thats all, but i've ended up with some amazing friends C: its nothing to worry about


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Guest leahmac


oh im so scared because im so shy and if i dont fit in:/.

do you like it over there?


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Guest MeganHumphreys

well i'm sure you'll fit in bub, cos i made friends on my first day of school and i'm so so so sOOOOOO shy when i first meet people, then i cant shut up hahaha...

and after a few weeks another kid from england came over so i wasnt the new kid anymore C:


yeahh i love it over here, but it'd be so much better if i was with all my friends from back home tbh :/


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Guest fatstig11

Hi Leahmac, you are just like me but i am going flying out on the 11th of june and im shy although mum and dad say im not, at first i wont say a word but then i dont shut up im going to brisbane and i hope this helps would love to chat to you from ME :jiggy:

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Guest ciarajade

Hi I'm 11 and my name is Ciara ,

I'm moving to Oz in 10 weeks , and I'm so happy . Have a positive attitude and you'll feel much better !:hug:Think of all the new friends you'll make , and you can still stay in touch with your old ones . This is a BIG opitunity for you and your family , not many people can say " I'm moving to Oz " so everyone on Poms in Oz are so lucky , and where all very gratefull . Just smile , and stay calm everything is done for the best (that's what I think enyway!) . Please add me as a friend also , and we can speak whenever!

Ciara xxx

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My mum and dad are really thinking about moving to Perth and im 14 years old ive got so many friends here and i don't want to say goodbye to them. :unsure:


I know that i have to go if we get accepted but there are so many things i am worried about, like... making new friends (im really shy) and going to a new school.


Can anyone help me ? :/ :confused: :err:



I'm Elizabeth, I'm 15 and also moving to Perth soon.

Do you have any idea which part of Perth your going to?

I felt like you at first but after looking and researching loads of things I became alot more relaxed and happy about the idea and now I can't wait to get there!

I've already been to Perth on a holiday and we went to look around some schools and everyone seemed really friendly!

:) from elizabeth x

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