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Flights Advice - Help

Guest Ozpom

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Guest Ozpom

Hi Guys, New to the 4 um so be kind to me.


Looking for some advice, tips, links for reasonably priced return flights from Brizzy to Manchester UK in July 2010.


I know they are out there its just hunting them down if i can get a little help.


Also, when we emigrated 12yrs ago there used to be a company that advertised in the edition of The Australian News Newspaper that offered Insurance/Emergency flights back to the UK if a family member was ill etc, from memory this company was called something like "Anthony Patrick" or "Patrick Anthony Insurance"


Does anyone know if this or similar companies offering the same kind of service still exist and if so could you let me have their contact information.


Any help and advice either on Cheap Flights/Links or on the above mentioned company would be most welcomed and i thank you all in advance.


Tony :smile:

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Guest proud2beaussie

Hi Tony,

I will send you a PM shortly,hopefully I should be able to give you some good advice.



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Guest guest33730


Hopefuly Nigel or other moderator will be along soon, he has a travel company and has got loadssss of people great deals. Im sure he wont mind you sending him a PM if he doesnt find this thread.


Cal x


Cal it made me laugh thinking that there would be any chance of Nigel not finding any thread that's got the title 'Flight advice -help'!!


It would be like you not finding one with the title 'shoe's can a girl ever have enough!!'



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Guest Ozpom

Thanks Guys for your replies, Nigel has contacted me and looking into it for me.


Lyn thanks for the contact to Kinsure, have read the web site but think because my granson has an existing illness then the cover may not apply to us.


Thank you to all.



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