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Dont know whether to rent or buy a campervan !! Melbourne to Perth

Guest Barney007

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Guest Barney007

Hi, im gonig to do the Melbourne to Perth in mid march for 2 weeks, 4 berth camper with shower and toilet $2300 to hire !

Im coming back to the u.k after that but my brother and his girlfriend are carrying on, anyone think it would be better to buy a camper, not sure about Ozy m.o.t, tax, insurance !!

Oh and any tips, places to see on our trip would be much appreciated ?




:biggrin:Wales to win six nations, maybe , hopefully, come on !:biggrin:

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Guest The Pom Queen


Welcome to PIO, it sounds a great trip. I have heard of people buying 2nd hand VW and then selling them when they leave, personally, I would prefer to rent because if it breaks down and your in the middle of no where it isn't any fun and the cost involved is astronomical (believe me it happened to us, thankfully we were in a hired camper so didn't have to pay the costs involved).

In regards what to see, we haven't gone to Perth we have done most of the East Coast and Darwin. In Melbourne I would take the GOR (Great Ocean Road) out towards Adelaide.

Have a great time

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Guest guest37336

Hello there.


I would stick with moving 2melbournes advice, rent is probably the best way to go. The last thing you want to do is end up in the middle of nowhere with a van that refuses to move and it is your responsibility (and cost) to get moving again. One word of advice though. Many, many, years ago VW campers were synonymous with breaking down due to overheating. The reason for this was that a lot of the early models were air cooled. As you will appreciate at times the heat in Australia can be immense and at times the engines could not cool down enough. However, the vast majority of Vdubs now are water cooled and such problems are nearly nonexistent, especially if you hire a van as the vast majority of their vans are modern, and it may even be doubtful that you will get an old Vdub from the majority of rental companies.


Concerning your journey. It's a matter of personal taste really. You could take the coastal route and stop off as and when you see fit, or go slightly more inland and have a look. Some of the towns along the banks of the Murray River are spectacular, the scenery is quaint, and a very laid back atmosphere. Once you are into the Great Australian Bight you will find the places to stop etc, become fewer, but some of the beaches are out of this world, very rarely will you see another person for many hours if not days. Make sure you stop off in Margaret River. It never ceases to surprise me how wonderful this place is. Whilst it is renowned for its wine industry, the place just exudes a feeling of serenity and tranquility. Spectacular.


However one option is that you drive directly across the Nullarbor Plain. I know its not to everyones taste, but to me it truly sums up Australia. Whilst the scenery to some can be somewhat boring and repetitive, to me it just gives you a feeling of having arrived in the true Australia. And of course you could, if you chose this option take a look at Kalgoorlie. It is historic, and very interesting, not least of which are some of the bars and clubs that are there. If your going with little ones I would advise putting blinkers on them as you wander the streets. Some of the bars and clubs there employ bar staff that have many worthwhile assets, which they do not mind showing!


I would like to say this, whichever path you choose to take make sure you always have plenty of fuel in the tank. Don't get caught out by saying, 'Oh well, we will get fuel at the next servo'. The next service station, especially the more inland you go could be many hundreds of miles away.


Well, that's my thoughts. Hope I haven't confused you. Whichever option you take I am sure you will have a great time.



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Keep away from " Wicked campers" an article on the TV highlighted their problems , as for buyin one owt cheap that is half decent will set you back 20 - 30 k . Watch your speed over the nullabar the flying piggies use point to point till they get the satellite kit working

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