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TRA or Vetassess - Carpentry from Ireland


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I am just at the beginning of looking into applying for a skilled migration visa. My DH is a fully qualified carpenter. Im a bit confused as I heard the TRA do not do carpentry any more and therefore we would need to apply to Vetassess for the skill assessement. However if there is a practical exam where would my husband go for this? Would it be to the UK? Sorry its prob a really stupid question so please bare with me. Thanks!

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Guest allieanddermo

I didnt realise TRA didnt do carpentry any more . My Dh is one and he used TRA 2 years ago. If i can help in any other way I will.. Allie

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OK maybe I need to look into this a bit more. Did your DH have to do a practical test? How is your visa coming along?? I hear for newbies starting now the visa process could take over 3 years. Such a pity we didnt do this years ago! Ah well Im happy we are doing it now. All looks very complicated at the mo but am sure it will become much clearer as it get into it.

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Guest allieanddermo

No he didnt have to do a test just had to submit heaps of paperwork which took us about 2 yeas to compile, but thats just the type of peeps we are, We have our visa and we went to Brisbane Au 07 came back to Dublin Mar 09 but are going back again... We used a guy in Cork to process our visa ( after we did TRA ouselves). I can give you his details if you need them.. Allie

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Guest Gollywobbler
Thanks for your help. My brother is in Brisbane so thats where we intend to go too! Am sure I will be on this annoying everyone with all my questions haha!


Hi tfarrell


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


I'm vague about Irish geography and place names so - to make it easy for me - does your OH live in Northern Ireland or in the Republic of Ireland, please?


Carpenter 4411-13 - Australian Skills Recognition Information


If he lives in the former, your OH will have to go through Vetassess and come to the UK for his practical skills test.


If he lives in the latter then TRA is the skills assessment authority. Their skills test is much cheaper and is all done on paper.


So where does DH live, please?





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Heya Gill.. we are in Dublin... Republic of Ireland. So thats good news right, least he wont have to go to UK for a practical. He needs to find all his certs now which are in the attic somewhere so hope to get it sorted this weekend. So excited, altho its going to be years before anything is done I know but In ever the optimist.

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Guest Gollywobbler
Heya Gill.. we are in Dublin... Republic of Ireland. So thats good news right, least he wont have to go to UK for a practical. He needs to find all his certs now which are in the attic somewhere so hope to get it sorted this weekend. So excited, altho its going to be years before anything is done I know but In ever the optimist.


Hi tfarrell


Does your OH have a Republic of Ireland passport, by the way, or is he British? I don't think his passport makes a difference. Country of current residence seems to be what counts. Eire is in the EU so any Briton can go there to live if they want.


I don't think the process will necessarily take years. You have read the 23rd September 2009 FAQ, I assume? If not, it is below:




DIAC started processing the Cat 5 applications at about the beginning of December 2009. They said on 30th November 2009 that there were about 3,500 Cat 5 applications in hand at that time - ie DIAC had already received the applications.


Since then DIAC have said that they expect to be able to finalise processing some of the Cat 5 applications before DIAC's Year End on 30th June 2010 but not all of them. They have also said that they do not expect to be able to process any of the applications within Cats 6 and 7 during their current Year.


DIAC don't know what the Minister will decide the total quota of skilled visas should be for 2010/2011. My guess is that the meetings about that will start around now - the quota has to be settled pretty soon because it needs to be in the Federal Budget, which will be released in mid-May 2010. The skilled visa quota is 108,100 visas for 2009/2010. It isn't possible to know how big DIAC's share of the Budget will be - and how the money will be spent - without knowing the visa quota that the Minister has in mind first. I think that once the Minister and DIAC have decided on the quotas (for the 3 Streams of visas) for 2010/2011 the Minister has to get the new numbers approved by the Cabinet. I'm sure that somebody has to agree with his ideas. They won't tell the public the new figures until mid-May 2010 but I would think that they must start the process of deciding on them sometime soon.


The FAQ above make it clear that a Carpenter's best bet will be Category 5 - which means State sponsorship for your family. Sponsorship by your brother would put you into Cat 6, which is bound to be slower than Cat 5.


QLD is not sponsoring Carpenters or any other tradies at present. Many of the other States are still sponsoring Carpenters, though. The fast, reliable link to all of the Stte Immi websites (in which you will find the different State lists) is below:


State & Territory Migration Sites - australia.gov.au


I'd choose the nearest alternative State if I were in your shoes. If you are in Oz you are more likely to see your brother than if you stay in Dublin, hun!





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Just a quick question.. after looking up in attic we found my DHs National Craft Certificate and Card from FETAC which confirms he completed his apprenticeship. And also he has a book with each phase of his apprecticeship confirming a pass for each one. Is this what is required, along with his references from jobs? Or is there other things he is missing?

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi tfarrell


He must produce his qualification certificates and he must prove that he meets the requirements either of Skill Pathway A or Skill Pathway B in DIAC's UAC. That document is on the TRA website along with their Guidelines etc. They want LOTS of detail from DH.





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Once again thanks Gill. It will be skilled pathway A. My DH has one Certificate confirming he is a qualified carpenter. Then a little book that had all his different phases and his pass mark on each. But that is all he has. No other certs. He will have reference from his current employer with all the info on that. He has been with that company now for the last 10 years. The two previous employers are no longer in business. It says we need to get a certified letter from him outling everything. What do they mean by certified?

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Guest Gollywobbler
Once again thanks Gill. It will be skilled pathway A. My DH has one Certificate confirming he is a qualified carpenter. Then a little book that had all his different phases and his pass mark on each. But that is all he has. No other certs. He will have reference from his current employer with all the info on that. He has been with that company now for the last 10 years. The two previous employers are no longer in business. It says we need to get a certified letter from him outling everything. What do they mean by certified?


Hi tfarrel


Hmmmm. I'm not sure about Hubby's qualifications. I don't know anything about qualifications in Eire. Does DH have the Irish equivalent of the UK's City & Guids 3 or the newer NVQ3?


It says we need to get a certified letter from him outling everything. What do they mean by certified?[/


With the employer who is still alive, he signs the original of a letter. You get it photopied and you get a local solicitor to certify the photocopy as being a true copy of the original.


With the dead employers, DH will need Statutory Declarations. Look in Yellow Pages for the Law Stationers in Dublin. Nip round and buy a couple of Stat Dec forms, I suggest. They'll provide the boiler plate of what a Stat Dec has to say in Eire.





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Thanks for that. Yes hes done all his apprenticeship with Fas/Fetac/Dept of Education & Science) Its all becoming much clearer to me now. So happy I have this forum. He qualified in 2001. He has been in full time employment in carpentry since he started working in 1996, recently has been promoted to a Supervisor however this was only in the last 8 months so dont know if that will mean anything. I will pick up some of those Stat Dec forms and look up solicitor asap!

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Guest allieanddermo
Thanks for that. Yes hes done all his apprenticeship with Fas/Fetac/Dept of Education & Science) Its all becoming much clearer to me now. So happy I have this forum. He qualified in 2001. He has been in full time employment in carpentry since he started working in 1996, recently has been promoted to a Supervisor however this was only in the last 8 months so dont know if that will mean anything. I will pick up some of those Stat Dec forms and look up solicitor asap!



We got the Gardai to verify our copies and Sstat Decs and they were accepted fine... saves paying for solrs...


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Hi Tfarrell


The National Craft Certificate is the big thing - TRA know that you do not get this without completing a 4 year apprenticeship AND completing Junior and Senior written and Practical tests (or more recently a 4 year apprenticeship of 7 phases, Pases 1,3,5 and 7 on-the-job and Pases 2,4,and 6 in the classroom)


Just the National Craft certificate would do on its own but is better to get the apprentice employer to write a quick reference confirming teh 7 phases and when you became a qualified Carpenter. If the apprentice employer is no longer around, get the next employer to confirm that you started with them after completing your 7 phase apprenticeship with whoever etc.


TRA sjhould turn it around in about 4 weeks and I would try and get the visa application in before you have been a supervisor for 12 months so that you still have 12 months in the previous 24 months as a Carpenter. Recent changes say that the 12 months recent experience must be in the trade and we do not know how strict they will be if somebody is working as a supervisor of that trade - it may come down to showing that you are hands-on for at least 20 hours per week while supervising - but best avoid that issue if you can.





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Im dizzy at this stage :-) My DH informed me that he is actually a Foreman in his job. And has been for the last 2 years this Feb. Does this throw up all sorts of complications? Can I just still aply for Carpenter/joiner and not mention Foreman?

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Does he work at least 20 hours per week performing Carpentry duties or is he mainly supervising ? Misleading DIAC is never a good idea as it can prevent you from ever getting a visa for Australia in the future, and, if granted a visa, it could be cancelled at any time if they found out.





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