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Moving from Mansfield in Nottinghamshire to Brisbane, Queensland. 17 yrs

Guest The Gore Family

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Guest The Gore Family

I'm currently in my last year of sixth form and hoping to become a teacher, i was wondering for those out there, is it easy to adapt to an outdoor lifestyle after being a couch potatoe? Would you reccomend me going back to a sixth form college for social reasons as well as a taste of the education system? If anyone around my age has moved to the land down under can you email me on Nintend01@hotmail.co.uk :)

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I'm currently in my last year of sixth form and hoping to become a teacher, i was wondering for those out there, is it easy to adapt to an outdoor lifestyle after being a couch potatoe? Would you reccomend me going back to a sixth form college for social reasons as well as a taste of the education system? If anyone around my age has moved to the land down under can you email me on Nintend01@hotmail.co.uk :)


G'day mate, my advice to you would be to finish ALL your education, then come over to Australia.

I moved out here on my when I was 23 years old and made sure I finished my apprenticeship (wool classer) before I moved. Never, ever regretted 1 second of it all and made sure I had an adventure. And, what an adventure.:yes:


Cheers, Bobj.


BTW teachers in Australia,are usually referred to as chalkies.:wink:

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Guest The Gore Family

haha well im going to finish my a levels but because the flights have already been booked for july, it means ill be unable to go to a university over here. Hopefully ill be able to apply over there but i dont know much about it haha. Im gonna be a chalkie! :)

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haha well im going to finish my a levels but because the flights have already been booked for july, it means ill be unable to go to a university over here. Hopefully ill be able to apply over there but i dont know much about it haha. Im gonna be a chalkie! :)


With A levels, you should be able to apply to go to Uni here. There's not much point in you going back to school when you get here, because the exams that kids take at the end of year 12, are the culmination of 2 years study. I would find a part time job to do for the time between when you arrive and when you start Uni - that will allow you to meet people and get used to life here and explore a bit, before you start studying again.


Good luck with the A levels!






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Guest The Gore Family

i'll have half a year before uni starts so a jib would be a good idea! plus ill need to go out and explore! i never lived in a city

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Guest NiomiJay

Hey Gore! I'm seventeen too and only part way through my first year at sixth form. My plan of action is to finish my two years, and regardless of results, take a gap year out to Oz with my sister, whom is also the same age as me. We are lucky as we have relatives and friends that are down under, family resides in South Adelaide, whilst our friends recently moved out to Melbourne - so we have two places to go visit!


I felt that emigrating over there was a bit too drastic, so I opted for the more easy option, because education for immigrants is a pain in the butt, it's very expensive for me, because of the courses I would take if I did emigrate over there. I'm hoping to work in between school hours over here to gain experience of work and earn some extra cash for my trip; once I'm over there I'll work for a couple of months - it'll give me a chance to meet new people and such.


If you haven't already, I would suggest doing some research on the courses you'd have to take to become a "chalkie" - there is a big difference between fees for international students and fees Australian students, although any part of Oz right now is short of secondary school teachers, so you'd have a good chance.


Good luck!

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