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What happens now?


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I posted my visa app off last week its an employer sponsored permanent one. My question is what happens now? Do i still get a case worker for this kind of visa? Can they tell me roughly how long my visa will take? How can i track its progress or is it just a case of waiting and never knowing til it arrives? Its hard because i Dont know when to start organising my cats journey out there!

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Guest wanderer

Sounds Good Chicken

I'd think there'll be some about wanting to know how you got it.


Being an ES one, if the company and you meet all the requirements and have crossed Ts and dotted Is, it ought not to be too long at all.


I've known of people getting notified of some visas without any contact from a CO and that if all is good, that could be the first and only contact you will have unless the health/PC stuff has not been submitted.


But I'd say if there are no hiccups, could be just a few months tops before you have the visa and seeing as pets need to be in quarantine and also the Vet check and all before sending them, it'll just depend on whether you want Fluffball sent ahead of you or whether about the same time and then you may be able to visit while in Q. as to when you start with the Vet.


If you have a local Vetinary practice, they may be able to advise of just how long before transport you need to book the cat in.

Bringing Cats and Dogs and other pets to Australia - DAFF

And you might as well start anytime with the paperwork.

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You cannot start the cats' preparations too soon. I recommend that you take them to the vets tomorrow for micro-chipping and rabies injections and to discuss what else is required. Unfortunately I think if the rabies is not done 6 months in advance they will be looking at quarantine.


If you have enough time you can avoid quarantine.

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Pumpkin i thought my cat would have to have 1 month quaranteen regardless of any rabies tests etc? But coming from uk dont really understand the whole rabies thing as uk has no rabies infected animals!? She's booked into vets tomorrow to be chipped and to have her usual feline jabs so ill ask the vet about the rabies stuff.

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Pumpkin i thought my cat would have to have 1 month quaranteen regardless of any rabies tests etc? But coming from uk dont really understand the whole rabies thing as uk has no rabies infected animals!? She's booked into vets tomorrow to be chipped and to have her usual feline jabs so ill ask the vet about the rabies stuff.


Without the jabs I thought it was a longer quarantine. You are right all cats will go into a short quarantine (it's a while since I did my reading up). I have been told it is best to book the quarantine kennels as far in advance as you can. I am going to go and refresh on this as I got my visa recently too.


Edit: Ok I was wrong, can't see that they do need the rabies jab after all. My boy has it anyway as he came into UK from another country, but looks like it won't matter either way.

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Guest wanderer

From what I've read of other people with their visas Chicken, after an email notification which might say Yes, you have Visa XYZ, it'll be a letter is in the post with instructions or they may put all that in the email.


And it'll be something like send/bring your passport in so we can put a sticker in it and that's it.


If you mean the employer in Oz wants notification, just forward the email.

or re.

Just a another quick question about the visa....will i get a receipt for the payment?
and you need one for your workplace [i'll not ask why but tell us anyway if you like]


Usually an application acknowledgement email goes out as well as far as I know and that is kind of like a receipt for visa applications are not usually accepted without application fee payment.

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Guest wanderer

I'd reckon Chicken if you paid with your Credit Card and it has not been processed within a week it will be before too long.

Re the receipt, I'd wait and see what the acknowledgement says and if with your credit account statement, that ain't good enough for the relocation package [apart from telling them not to be so fussy] you could always send a PLE request to DIAC re getting a receipt.


As a good deed for fellow sponsorship paths how about you put a short descriprion of how you did it @


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[quote As a good deed for fellow sponsorship paths how about you put a short descriprion of how you did it @



I don't think my 'story' will help anyone to be honest. I am in a very fortunate position where my qualifications are unusual (in special ed.). People who have them are few and far between -uk to oz to be exact!!! Therefore my sponsorship came extremely easily - barely even an interview.

I don't think this will really help anyone-maybe piss a few people off who are having a fight on their hands getting one! I still havent got my visa yet so i'm waiting for something to go wrong and don't want to tempt fate too much!

I see your point though and i would add my story if i thought it would help anyone get sponsored. I'm certainly happy to help in any other way i have experience in as i know its been tough for me and i'v got an 'easy route in'!


p.s thanks for your replies to my neverending questions! :biggrin:

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I don't think my 'story' will help anyone to be honest. I am in a very fortunate position where my qualifications are unusual (in special ed.). People who have them are few and far between -uk to oz to be exact!!! Therefore my sponsorship came extremely easily - barely even an interview.

I don't think this will really help anyone-maybe piss a few people off who are having a fight on their hands getting one! I still havent got my visa yet so i'm waiting for something to go wrong and don't want to tempt fate too much!

I see your point though and i would add my story if i thought it would help anyone get sponsored. I'm certainly happy to help in any other way i have experience in as i know its been tough for me and i'v got an 'easy route in'!


p.s thanks for your replies to my neverending questions! :biggrin:

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