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Sale of furniture fell through!


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Hi Everbody

We are due to go back to the U.K in less than two weeks and the "Lady" who was supposed to buying our furniture has dissapeared. If anyone wants any furniture I am open to offers. We have a cream leather sofa (3 & 2), Dining room table (6 chairs), coffee tabel, dresser, book case, large american style fridge freezer, dryer, queen bed, bedside tables and a few other bits. It would be perfect for someone who has just arrived or if you have a rental property. Please contact me at peterchisholm@hotmail.com for photo's. We are on the sunshine coast.

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Hi, don't need any furniture (shame as would have been ideal a couple of months back), just wanted to say good luck with your move.

We went back to England in June this year (back on GC now), and sold our stuff on Ebay etc, and got let down a few times by people who didn't show after waiting in for them, then having to find new buyers, so know how frustrating it is.

Jo x

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Hi Jo

Thanks for that. I wish we had found someone selling everything when we came here. Can't believe we're doing it all again! I take it you didn't settle back in England?




Just couldn't find work, and my son didn't settle in his new school. Wish we'd stayed a bit longer though, I miss living in the UK so much. Hope all goes well for you with your move back, and someone buys your furniture!

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