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Boys who are anxious about the move to Australia


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Hi evryone I have two younger boys one of 14 and the other who is 11 years old...they are both quite anxious about our move to Australia and I would like to help them as much as possible...my eldest is especially worried and I think it might be easier if they had some advice from anyone who is of similar age who is either making the move to Australia or have already moved....is very difficult to try to explain what it will be like and even if I try am not sure that they believe that it will be ok...would be just great if they could hear what it is like from someone who has experienced Australia for themselves...can anyone help.....

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Guest mazandnev

Hi, we are moving in 32 days and counting ,my son is 15 and no siblings but he is excited and a little anxious .We are moving to Churchlands but will happily keep you informed of our time there he is on facebook so get the boys to drop him a line.. Tyler Martin, plymouth.Hope this helps and good luck.Where are you going.mari

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Guest Sandisonsonthemove

Hey there I have a 10 year old who some days thinks its a good idea to go but most times when asked would rather stay with his friends. Understands that other friends will be made there and we have explained that friends made in secondary school are most likely to be lifelong friends. It is really hard to think that you are taking them away from what they know but we are sure life in Oz will be so much better for him/us. His best friend is emigrating to Perth in a couple of years and whilst we are going to Qld (eventually) at least he will be in the same country! I think encouragement and involvement in every stage of the process, showing houses, reading about schools clubs etc and I hope this keeps his wonderment at Australia. Keep positive for them no matter what as I am sure one day they will thank you for doing the best thing for them.



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Guest sassygal

there is a younger ones section on here, under living and working in australia, get them on here and maybe they will make some friends or at the least gain an insight.


do they not have anyone from school who has gone to oz, my daughter is 13 and knows at least 5 who went this/last year and 2 more going in december. they all love it apart from one, and the whole family came back within the year. My daughter loves it on here, just gets her even more excited/

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Guest stockies

Hi weve been out here almost 6 months now and I came out with a 14 yr old who is now 15 and an 11yr old who is now 12. They have both settled in fine. The eldest has had no problems whatsoever settling in, infact he had only been at school 3 weeks when he went away with school for a month out into the bush.He has made lots of friends and is very happy and has said he never wants to go back to uk to live only for a holiday.He keeps in touch with his mates from Uk on MSN or Facebook.

My youngest was a little different it took him a bit longer to settle as he missed his friends and his Grandparents, but having Skype helped him alot as he could talk and see his Grandparents. Friends of his in Uk have dwindled off much quicker than my eldest sons, I guess with younger kids its more "out of sight out of mind" type thing !!, He said he felt awful making new friends as it wasnt fair on his old ones , but now he realises that they dont bother much and now has friends here .

You do have to remember how big a thing this is for our kids, sometimes we get so fixated on all the things we have to do when we first arrive that you forget about what the kids are going through. Occasionally the kids have bad days where they think of everything back in the uk, but its normal, But as soon as they realise what they have here they snap out of it again. The best advice I can give that worked for us, if they want to speak to family or go on MSN or Facebook, let them. It does become less and less .

If I can help with anything else just ask away.


Claire. xx

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Thanku so much...we hope to be moving to Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast...is more difficult because my boys dad lives here in the UK and we not together anymore...am moving with my older boys and my partner Neal and of course the two younger boys...Neal and I will be married by the time we move out so lots of changes for them although they are really happy we are getting married...will be gr8 to keep in touch with anyone who can help...I know this is the right move for us but is difficult to help the boys to understand...think it will help if they have people of their own ages to talk to...Many thanx xx

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Guest stockies

Good luck with it all, it is true that its hard to make the kids understand things, but when you arrive and they see it for their own eyes they will understand what you have been trying to explain to them. Its not all plain sailing and you will have ups and downs, but the ups far out weigh the downs.

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Guest Sandisonsonthemove
Thanku so much...we hope to be moving to Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast...is more difficult because my boys dad lives here in the UK and we not together anymore...am moving with my older boys and my partner Neal and of course the two younger boys...Neal and I will be married by the time we move out so lots of changes for them although they are really happy we are getting married...will be gr8 to keep in touch with anyone who can help...I know this is the right move for us but is difficult to help the boys to understand...think it will help if they have people of their own ages to talk to...Many thanx xx



Hi trace1


We are also hoping to go to the same areas. Are you on Facebook? If so PM me and I will give you my details. My son (10 going on 16!!!) spends a lot of time on my pages playing games etc and is also on MSN so if your youngest wants to chat etc let me know. Where are you in the UK?


I guess things are a bit different for you and perhaps more difficult given their dad will be in the UK but I think you would know by now if this was something that they were adamant that they did not want to do. I suspect a lot of it is fear of the unknown which is the same for us parents too but we need to be strong for them.


Keep smiling :hug:



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Hi Trace


I am a nurse so just started looking - only accepted offer on house last week so have everything crossed that it goes ok - I am too frightened to book flights or accomodation until the buyers have signed lol!!! Our initial thoughts were North Brisbane but then I kept swaying towards Gold Coast - so decided to see if I get offered a job and I will take it from there. Do you have a timescale?


Lisa x

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Guest shirlw

Hi Trace,


I have 3 boys 14,12 and 6 and will be heading to Maroochydore area mid 2010 from South Africa.We are originally from UK but my boys were born and bred here so we are used to an outdoor lifestyle(safety issues aside).We did a validation trip in March this year with the boys and they are sooooooo keen to get there it's frustrating that we are holding them back.Like UK ,S.Africa also has a property selling crisis so we are stuck until we can sell up.


My eldest is on FB.......Stuart Webb,South Africa he will only be too chuffed to have someone to talk to re-the big move.He is quite sporty and was happy to know that he could still play hockey and cricket in QLD as I looked up a couple of clubs on the web for him.

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