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Moving during year 10 and 11


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Thanx evryone for yr help but am still a bit confused...doesnt take much I know lol...I now understand that GCSE's dont really count for much in Australia and there is no equivalent to them but am now wondering what year my son will be in at school...if we arrive in Australia...we are hoping to move to either Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast...at the end of nxt yr...2010 and my son will be 15 yrs old...he turns 15 in April 2010 what year does he start in at the end of 2010 and then move to in Jan 2011...:arghh:

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You are arriving at the end of 2010? Then just make sure that he is enrolled in year 11 in Jan 2011. The vital thing is to ensure that he gets the full 2 year course leading to his year 12 assessments. He may well be a bit older than the cohort going through but stick to your guns and insist that he does year 11 in full especially if he has aspirations of further education. If you arrive towards the end of 2010 and there is still some of the academic year to go - say in Sept/Oct then enrol him in year 10 for the rest of the year. If you arrive after the beginning of term 4 eg early November then you can either enrol him in year 10 for the last few weeks or wait unti Jan and put him in year 11. No one will bother if he is out of school for a few months at that time of year.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sharrondodd

Need help my son is in yr 11 now. finishes gcse's in June 2010 would like to be in oz later that yr. what are his options does he stay behind and complete A levels or come with us but i dont know if he goes to school or college ive heard of TAFE but not sure what it is. Please if anyone can advise.

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Need help my son is in yr 11 now. finishes gcse's in June 2010 would like to be in oz later that yr. what are his options does he stay behind and complete A levels or come with us but i dont know if he goes to school or college ive heard of TAFE but not sure what it is. Please if anyone can advise.


How old is he? Bear in mind that year level names are different here and it all depends on his age and his birthdate and the state you live in. If he was sensible he would finish A levels because they will travel quite well to Aus then he can get on with whatever post school options he fancied. If he wanted to go on to uni then he would probably get into courses here with lower grade A levels than he would need for an equivalent course in UK.


Most kids do their year 11 and 12 in schools and it would be usual for a kid starting year 11 to have either just turned 16 or be turning 16 in the first part of the year. If he has any sort of aspirations to further education then coming part way through a 2 year course - as year 11/12 is in all states - has the potential to be a significant disadvantage. TAFE is a College of Technical and Further Education - like UK's old Tech Colleges. Usually for kids who havent made it at school or for mature people who want to go back to education and usually for more technical subjects after they have finished school.

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Guest sharrondodd

thanks for info i was afraid that would be the answer, he will be 16 in december this yr, i didnt want to leave him behind because of spilting the family. but ive got to do whats right for him he wants to be an accountant. if he gets his A levels he should be able to join a uni out in oz. I can see this process very stressful.

Thank you

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Guest sharrondodd

hi how did you go about that? if my son completes gcse in june 2010 and we get results in the august would like to be out in oz the same year. would he start yr 11 in the january 2011 or will have missed it by one yr. its really confusing because the sch years are different.

Any help would be appreciated


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Hi. I too would like more information on this as i am in the same boat !

(and believe me it is nice to know i am not the only one in that boat!) :smile:

My son turns 16 next month and sits his GCSE final exams in June 2010 and we will be moving out to Sydney in Aug 2010.

I was under the impression he could start the Australian year 11 in January 2011 (bearing in mind he would have just turned 17) or have i been mis-informed?

I do realise that he will be @ a year older than others in his year, so is this going to be a problem?

We are very against leaving him here in the UK as we do not want to split the family up.

And also i would like information on how you managed to convert the GCSE qualifications

All advice gladly accepted .......

Thanks in advance

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There really isnt a need to convert GCSEs as they will be the equivalent of year 10 and you dont actually need year 10 cert to get into year 11. In fact I cant think of much that you would need a year 10 cert for especially if you have any aspirations to get a year 12 cert (which most young Aussies do these days anyway because the school leaving age has just been upped or in the process of being upped to 17 across the board)


You can always do year 11 and 12 it is just a matter of where you do it. If you are going to do it at 17 then your best bet would be TAFE not HS that's all. Schools arent that keen on having out of age synch kids - and the kids dont really enjoy being with kids who could be a couple of years younger than they are.


I guess whether you bring them at this age or leave them to do A levels is a balance between best educational outcome and family cohesiveness. If there is a chance that you will one day go back then A levels would be the better option. If you never go back then it really doesnt matter.

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You can always do year 11 and 12 it is just a matter of where you do it. If you are going to do it at 17 then your best bet would be TAFE not HS that's all. Schools arent that keen on having out of age synch kids - and the kids dont really enjoy being with kids who could be a couple of years younger than they are. /QUOTE]



Thank you for your reply Quoll ............ i'm feeling quite anxious now !!!! :arghh:

in your previous reply to sharrondodd you said

" TAFE is a College of Technical and Further Education - like UK's old Tech Colleges. Usually for kids who havent made it at school ..."


My son is doing extremely well at school and is expected to achieve A 's in most subjects, so now i am feeling like we will be letting him down.

Do you know if this policy is the same in all schools / colleges? (about students being slightly older?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanx evryone for yr help but am still a bit confused...doesnt take much I know lol...I now understand that GCSE's dont really count for much in Australia and there is no equivalent to them but am now wondering what year my son will be in at school...if we arrive in Australia...we are hoping to move to either Brisbane, the Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast...at the end of nxt yr...2010 and my son will be 15 yrs old...he turns 15 in April 2010 what year does he start in at the end of 2010 and then move to in Jan 2011...:arghh:


Be careful! If your son is 15 in April next year that means he will still be 15 at the start of the next academic year starting in 2011, not turning 16 until April. Our son is in the same position with an April birthday but he was 16 this year. Now our son chose to go up a year so he is now in year 11 (first year VCE). If your son chooses to do this and start year 11 he will be a year younger than most of his peers (our son is the youngest in his year) and will be only 17 when he finishes. This isn't necesarily a bad thing, our son has been fine but it does depend on your son and what is best for him. Our son is actually also taking one of this second year VCE subjects this year as well (this is very common, his older brother did 2 in the first year!!) but it does mean that he is actually sitting the equivalent of his A level when in the UK his peers at 16 would only just have done their GCSE's. Your son could choose to go into year 10 and have a year before starting his VCE/HSC. However be warned that if he is bright he will probably be bored as kids coming from the UK tend to be ahead academically at this age, which is why our son skipped a year.


It is confusing and each state tends to be different, pm me if you want further help. Will your son have done his GCSE's at 15 I would suspect not?

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Need help my son is in yr 11 now. finishes gcse's in June 2010 would like to be in oz later that yr. what are his options does he stay behind and complete A levels or come with us but i dont know if he goes to school or college ive heard of TAFE but not sure what it is. Please if anyone can advise.



Our middle son was in exactly this position when we arrived 4 years ago. The best option is for him to come over after his GCSE's (finishing in May 2010) and probably start school here in the new academic year starting the end of Jan 2011 (so a 7 month break, but double summers back to back!!). Then do his 2 year VCE/HSC with his peer group. His GCSE's will give him a great background for his VCE/HSC and a lot of schools encourage students to split their 6 subjects (not 3/4 as in the UK) over the 2 years so he will probably do one or two second year subjects in the first year. Our son did this it really helps with the work load, and most students do it to help optimise their grades.


If he wanted to he could possibly do the last term of year 10 to get into the school if making friends is an issue, our son didn't because he had an 18 year old brother to hang out with. However he went into his new school for an orientation day in the November before starting and made friends that he has to this day.

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Guest thefreeks
And also i would like information on how you managed to convert the GCSE qualifications

All advice gladly accepted .......

Thanks in advance


If you are just planning on getting him into school, you won't need to worry about getting anything converted. However our daughter has just applied to TAFE and they require you to get a statement of equivalence. It only cost $30 and you get 1 original and 3 certified copies, it takes about 2 weeks. All done through the curiculum council.

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My son is doing extremely well at school and is expected to achieve A 's in most subjects, so now i am feeling like we will be letting him down.

Do you know if this policy is the same in all schools / colleges? (about students being slightly older?)


He won't really be any older, perhaps a month or two, certainly not enough to worry him or the schools. In Year 11 here kids are usually 17, and 18 in year 12. He will be the older end of the school scale but certainly not out of place. He will be a year older than some, like my son who is just finishing year 11 and is only 16 but that's because he is "up" a year, all of his mates are 17 and some are coming up for 18 now. I really don't think it will be an issue, if your son has good reports and is likely to do well in his VCE/HSC the schools will WANT him there!! Results are VERY important to school rankings and they will not turn him away because of his age.

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