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Information on moving to Australia.


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What information are you after on living in Australia? It seems lots of people ask loads of questions and then when they get to Australia they seem to disappear never to be seen again! that is unless they have a question to ask, or are un happy and want to move back to the UK…………

Come on people, I understand that when you get there its all hands on deck but it would be good to read posts about how you are finding it, how your time is going what you find strange? etc.

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Guest The Pom Queen


That is because they are all out enjoying themselves and having fun!! We have relocated quite a few Poms in Oz members and once they arrive in Melbourne, they are so busy enjoying their new life that their spare time is no longer wasted on the computer but instead out at the beach, or in the bush spotting wildlife, or having BBQ's.


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Guest JoanneHattersley

There are some of us still logging in here that love Australia! (I really should get back to finishing my work shift though! lol)

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That is because they are all out enjoying themselves and having fun!! We have relocated quite a few Poms in Oz members and once they arrive in Melbourne, they are so busy enjoying their new life that their spare time is no longer wasted on the computer but instead out at the beach, or in the bush spotting wildlife, or having BBQ's.



Hi Kate


Look i agree with you, I think if you're enjoying your new life in Australia and have used PIO to help get you there, it would nice for them to come on and tell people about it. Gives hope to all the members still waiting.

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