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Non CSL or MODL 175 applicant


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Hope you can help me with some advice. I am a qualified social worker, not originally from the UK, but have been living in England for the past four years. I have applied for a 175 visa on 28th of June 09. Big mistake though as only after I have realised how seriously the new Government changes will affect the whole immigration process and that it can take 3 years or even more before I can hope a CO will be allocated and visa application processed. Social work is not on the CSL or MODL, so basically I am last on DIAC's priority list. From reading the threads it seems that DIAC will not refund the visa fee should I decide to withdraw my application. Not sure if I want to apply for State Sponsorhip or Regional Sponsorhip as my plan was to relocate to Sydney and unfortunately NSW don't have social work on their professions in demand. I have applied for State Sponsorship with Victoria but not 100% sure if I should switch to 176 if application approved. Do not want to consider temporary visa because things can change so quickly and do not want to be forced to return home after I have given up everything ( house, good job, friends, etc). Also if I stick with 175 visa who knows how long this will take. It's like waiting to win the big jackpot in 3 years or so. Chances are 1 in a million. I have made the mistake to apply and pay the money so I need some advice with what is the best thing to do. I feel trapped because although I have done a lot of reading about th new changes, the information is vague and it did not state clearly what the timescale for tier 4 and 5 applications is. I did not use an agend and in a way I am glad because this would have costed me more money and the outcome whould have been pretty much the same: either not to apply ( tragic!!!!) , to apply for a visa that does not offer me security and many options ( risks to live somewhere out in the sticks and no job prospects for me and my OH) or to stick with 175 and wait indefinately.

Any guidance, advice would be very much appreciated.

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Guest southerngent

Relax. you have done exactly what most/I would do. You have your 175 app in and have applied for SS. Wait for your SS then see how you feel.

(that could be a long enough wait)


The doors are shuting quickly so best to enter the first one left ajar.

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