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GIN GIN-queensland


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is there anybody out there who can tell me about gin gin , what the houses are like, the surrounding areas, any trouble with the natives, is it a nice place to live, what is the work front like-we are hoping to buy a holiday property in the area(we are hoping to settle near adelaide) we can rent out and use for breaks, any advice will be appreciated

regards dawny

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Dunno, Dawny.

But you'll need some Tonic-Tonic to go with it! hahahahaha



Sue x


Smar tarse, Mrs Muscles...:wink:


Gin Gin, Qld

Gin Gin Country Realty - Gin Gin Real Estate - realestate.com.au


Gin Gin QLD @ ExplorOz


Schools - State in GIN GIN (QLD) : AussieWeb Local Search


Been to Gin Gin many times, Missy. A lovely, if somewhat small country town of about

1800 people.

A goodly proportion of the houses are timber, or hardy plank.

One excellent feature about the place is Monduran Dam, some 25 km north...BIG BARRAMUNDI:hug:


Then again, there is Gin Gin, WA...

'Nuff said.


Cheers, Bobj.

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I would have a look on takeabreak and stayz to see what other properties are available in that area and what sort of income, rental rates they get (they should have calendars with the adverts so you can see when they are rented out). It's a 4 hour drive from Brisbane, so you wouldn't get people weekending there so much and it's not right by the water, so you miss out with that too. I don't know the area, so there maybe other attractions there.


Good luck with it all!!! I hope it works out well for you.






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