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ADVICE PLEASE - Pregnant whilst applying

Guest Ian & Sarah

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Guest Ian & Sarah

Hi everyone,


Hubby is going for his medical on December 9th.....we have a concern though as we have discovered I'm pregnant.


Initially we were going to rush the move and get to Oz prior to baby being born, now we think this to be complete financial suicide.


Now having decided to have the baby in the UK, do we continue with the application and he still has his medical on Dec 9th, jeopardising the date we have to arrive in Oz by? OR hold out until baby is born and then apply?


We got his Police Certificate in August, which means if approved we'd have to be there by August next year right? Baby is due end of June/early July.......what a spanner in the works?!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dansyl05

Hi sass!

we are currently awaiting to have our police/medicals requests, and have been told by our migration officer to hold out having them done until we get the go ahead, as your visa is valid from the first date of the medicals. Does this make sense? :? What this means is, if your hubby has his meds on 9th of Dec, when you finally have your baby and receive your visas, they will need to be validated before December 2006...which could mean everything would have to be rushed, ie selling house, your meds/police checks etc. Also if Australia requested any extra paperwork (ie originals) then this could also hold you up. Someone told me recently that their medical was held up until after her baby was born because she couldn't have the chest xray as she was preggers, so it's probably best you wait...we have found the meds are really expensive (got 5 in our family) and would'nt want to have to repeat any of them if they expired when the time was up.

I hope this has helped you, not sure if it makes sense!!

Good luck with your pregnancy.

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Guest Niknsteve



I have just been discussing this issue with our immigration agent and she told me that if you fall pregnant whilst applying then you need to wait until the baby is born - this is because you require a chest xray for part of your medical and she seemed to think that there isn't a radiologist in the country that would do a chest xray on a pregnant woman (its also very high risk so probably not one you would entertain anyway). She made it sound pretty simple just to defere your medical until the birth of the baby and then add the baby to the application and have your medical and xray after the birth. She said it wouldn't cause any problems with your application or the visa as it wouldn't be issued until your medical had been completed anyway it would just hold you up until the birth. I hope this helps and makes sense!!


Good luck with the baby.



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Guest BrerRabbit

Just to add something I read recently about this, but can't remember where!....if pregnant, you can still have the xray and they shield the baby with whatever they use to shield parts of the body not to be xrayed. Of course it's entirely up to you whether or not you have an xray when pregnant - speak to your GP perhaps? :?

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