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Is software testing on the MODL?


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I have a query regarding eligibility to apply for a skilled visa.

On the critical skills list, it states:

Computing Professionals -- where the applicant's specialisation is listed on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL).

So when I look on the MODL, it states:

Computer Professional of the IT occupations - only if you have and can evidence substantial skills and experience in one or more of the following:

....and lists various skills. I initially assumed that this list was only to describe people with skills in software development. However, when I click on the ASCO Code link for this profession, it states:

2231-79 Computing Professionals nec

This occupation group covers Computing Professionals not elsewhere classified.

Skill Level:

The entry requirement for this occupation is a bachelor degree or higher qualification or at least 5 years relevant experience. In some instances relevant experience is required in addition to the formal qualification.

Occupations in this group include:

Computer Analyst

Computer Scientist

Computing Tester

Database Analyst

Local Area Network (LAN) Controller

I am a computing tester as described here with significant experience in testing applications written in the stated languages, and my partner is a LAN controller. Can anyone please explain whether this means we are eligible to apply?

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Hi Sarah

Welcome to PiO.

If you work in IT and may be on SOL then you need a skill assesssment from the Australian Computer Society. Depending on that successful assessment you will discover your ASCO code. When you know that, you can then decide what sort of visa you want to/can apply for.

PTLabs is the agent who knows the most about IT assessments and are doing free initial assessments. So both of you could do one and see who has the best chance of a visa.

Hope that helps.

Good luck


Sue x

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