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6312-11 Child Care worker


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Hi Folks


I am just researching into a possible move to Oz. It would likely to be a few years from now but I am looking into the ways in which we could be accepted.


I am currently studying to be accountant which will hopefully lead me to be ACCA qualified in a few years.


I thought this would be only enrty into oz however my partner is a nursery nurse with around eight years experience as is qualified to diploma level. I came across an ASCO code 6312-11 Child Care Worker, she seems to fit the bill to be accepted under this code.


My question is whether my daughter and I would be able to accompany my partnerif she were accepted as a regional skilled visa applicant?



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Guest jillandsi



I can't answer your question I'm afraid because I've never had any dealings regarding the regional visa, however I have got a 175 PR visa on the childcare co-ordinator catagory if I can ever be of any use to you. The one thing I would recommend though it to post the question under the heading of regional skilled visa question because I don't know of anybody else who has gone over as a nursery nurse on their own visa.


Good luck



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Guest Gollywobbler

Hello Floyd


Welcome to Poms in Oz.


In theory your partnercould be offered a job and a visa to go with it and you plus your child would be able to accompany her as dependants, yes.


However you have noted that it would only be possible under the Regional 457-to-RSMS route. Regional being the operative word, though. The Nothern Territory is trying to encourage Child Care Workers to go there:




The Mid West in WA apparently want Child Care Workers as well:


State Migration Centre » Living in the Regions




The pdf file above takes forever to download fully. When it eventually does so, please see Page 10. Geraldton, the main town, is 400kms north of Perth but the coastline is interesting and the town is now thriving. However I don't know whether that is where the demand is. The demand could be in Newman, which is a mining town that looks to be about 400kms inland from the map above.


I phoned the NT Migration HQ to find out more (though I was asking about Aged Care Workers specifically and did not ask about Child Care Workers.) The lady in the NT told me that the NT's skills shortages are mirrored in QLD and in WA. My guess would be that she might mean the North of both WA and QLD. I think you would need to ring all 3 State Migration offices and pin them down about where the demand actually is. If they don't know then you would need to ring round the individual Regions until you find out, I would suggest:


State & Territory Migration Sites - australia.gov.au


Apparently there is a small crisis with Child Care in South Australia according to a friend who was there a few weeks ago. He said the Child Care centres were closed. I thought that might be because of the long school holidays? He was told by local people that funding was obtained for the centres but that someone has allegedly absonded with the money so I don't know what will happen about that.


I think that if you were to try to plump for somewhere like Mandurah (in the Peel region, 75kms south of Perth, you might find that the Peel RDC would block the attempt because the Peel Region is heavily populated so it is difficult to believe that they would not be able to find Child Care Workers locally.


I think you would need to do a ton of research and a lot of phoning around to both the State and the Regional migration authorities to find out about demand/visa viability in each area.


Best wishes



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Guest richieinoz

Hi, this has been driving us crazy too!! We are currently in Australia, me on a tourist visa and my wife on a WHV. We basically dont have enough points to migrate under the usual points system but my wife is a fully qualified childcare worker. As you may or maynot know only childcare coordinator is on the SOL list.


The thing is, there are chilcare jobs everywhere and there is a shortage in all states. just look here


workplace.gov.au - State and Territory Skill Shortages


We have also been looking into the regional sponsorship side of things, basically we will live anywhere for 2 years. No where can be as bad as Dudley!!


But reading on the regional sponsorship websites, you still have to have a job/skill that is on the SOL which seems counter-productive because if your job was on the SOL you would have enough points for a normal visa.


Anyway if you find out anymore please let me know. And if you know of any migration agent that really does know his stuff when it comes down to the regional visa please let us know.



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That does seem a bit strange Ritchie, I thought we were on a winner there!!!


As I say we are not looking to move for a couple of years but I was advised to phone/contact all the state governments to enquire about Regional Skilled Visas, not sure whether that would be an option for you but suppose it wouldn't do any harm.


Anyway good luck and if I hear of anything different I'll keep you posted.

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I came on skilled independant visa which was approved in Dec 07 as a Childcare coordinator, not sure if it is still there??? you have to have some management experience.

At the time in was on the SOL and Modl so I got lots of points, however as with most of the skills you have to jump through hoops to prove that your skills match the Australian equivalent. Childcare coordinator is Nursery manager in UK. I only have a NVQ3 in childcare and early education, they really like you to have a degree but I also had a lot of experience and could prove it all with a stat dec and evidence from my employer. It took me two applications to pass with TRA, I did it myself the first time and then employed an agent, worth every penny!!


I knoe of someone who worked very hard at getting her degree and managed to get a job as a director (manager) of a Childcare centre on the outskirts of Perth the week she passed it !! they sponsored her visa and the whole family moved out within 8 weeks.


To get work here I have had to have my qualification assessed by Early Childhood Australia which was not difficult and I am now classed as a qualified childcare worker. You also have to obtain and working with children's check card.


hope this helps



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Guest holly2009

Hi KazzE,

I have just joined this site & was wondering if you still had copies of what you sent to the tra for assessment. I am just getting all of my details together to send off as I am a nursery manager & have been for the last 4 years.

Its more the wording of the references & stat dec I need help with to check if I've written it ok. Thought I'd try it myself first & if I fail I'll get an agent.

Sorry to steal someone elses thread!



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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Richie


The best description of how the visas work is the one on the NT website, I reckon:


Employer Sponsored Skilled


To understand ths fully, in case Floyd doesn't as yet, it is necessary to work backwards in a way, starting with the Permanent RSMS visa because the relevant descriptions on that are better than the corresponding decription in the stuff about the Regional 475 visa.


First: The RSMS visa is the ONLY one that can grant PR when the occupation is in ASCO groups 5-7. This because the RSMS visa contains an exception to the general rule about the occupation needing to be on the SOL:


Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Subclass 119/857)


All 3 elements of the skill exemption provisions have to apply simultaneously.


  • The occupation is OK - it is in Group 6
  • The requirement for the 2 year stint will be OK by the time of the RSMS application
  • The Regional Certifying Body must be on-side and willing to help.

Second: Let us say that your wife is offered a job and a Regional 457 visa in the vast hinterland controlled by Cairns Chamber of Commerce, which is the Regional Certifying Body for a vast area of northern QLD.


Cairns Chamber of Commerce


The Chamber of Commerce is the RCB. They do understand how the scheme works with the Regional 457 to RSMS route. If the occupation is in ASCO Groups 5-7 then an immediate RSMS visa is not possible but it potentially is possible if the employee has first done a two year stint on a Regional 457 visa.


Hardly any of the areas which are "regional" enough for this scheme to have credibility and integrity do not have their own websites. That is one problem:


Regional Certifying Bodies


The second problem is the location of the job. I doubt that Cairns CoC would give their consent if the Child Care Centre is in the middle of Cairns Town because it has quite a high population and a high standard of living. If the employers in Cairns want to pay enough, they will find local Child Care Workers without too much trouble. There would be no justification for hiring a migrant when they could get an Aussie instead.


I have to go out now but I will ad more to this later.


Best wishes





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Hi KazzE,

I have just joined this site & was wondering if you still had copies of what you sent to the tra for assessment. I am just getting all of my details together to send off as I am a nursery manager & have been for the last 4 years.

Its more the wording of the references & stat dec I need help with to check if I've written it ok. Thought I'd try it myself first & if I fail I'll get an agent.

Sorry to steal someone elses thread!



Hi Holly welcome to poms in oz, perhaps you could start your own thread, i know gathering all the information for TRA can be quite difficult, it is one what i struggled on, best of luck with it

Tania X:wub:

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi All


Although this thread is about Child Care Workers and the one below is about Aged Care Workers, there are similarities between the two:




SSC is a recruitment agent called Lisa Jenkins. Her company's website is here:




I have been swapping e-mails with Lisa today about the Aged Care Workers. She tells me that there is no shortage of Aged Care Assistants but the skills shortage is that it is illegal for care homes to have patients in them unless sombody qualified to look after them is present at all times. "Qualified" means, "In possession of the AQF III certificate in Aged Care or above AQF III plus it is imperative that the person in charge has an up to date First Aid certificate which includes CPR."


The shortage in the Aged Care sector is of these qualified staff, as defined.


I have no idea what the rules would be for a children's Day Care Centre but please note KazzE's advice here:


To get work here I have had to have my qualification assessed by Early Childhood Australia which was not difficult and I am now classed as a qualified childcare worker. You also have to obtain and working with children's check card.



It sounds to me as if the type of rules are similar in both cases though I do not know whether a Child Care Worker also needs a First Aid certificate.


Richie are you sure that this is not the reason for lack of employer interest so far?


Best wishes



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Guest richieinoz

OK, just beginning to get my head around all this now!!

We have made an appointment to see George Lombard in Sydney next week, so hopefully things will become much clearer then.


Basically our only route is the RSMS visa. Just need someone to give my wife a job now!!


Thanks for all your input



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