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Visiting Perth March to May 2009

Guest Rosie4Aus

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Guest Rosie4Aus

My daughter emigrated in November and is now living with her two children including a new baby in Port Kennedy.


I am visiting from March to May and would like to hear from anyone who has relatives visiting at the same time, people who might like to join up or go off travelling somewhere else for a couple of weeks, or just meet up to compare notes, ideas of places to go for people in the approx 45 to 55 age group (or where that age group is welcome), whether there is any chance of my getting to move permanently, in fact anything useful that would help me to enjoy my trip. I am still 27 in my head so not ready to sit in the old rocking chair yet! Love theatre, walking, youth hostellling, books plays and poetry, wildlife and conservation, meals out, bars and talking, very friendly person, not ugly either inside or out! Any useful information would be gratefully received by a Mum who is missing her family but who also wants to get out and do something useful and/or have fun and make the most of her holiday. :smile:

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