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Occupation Proof?


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Might sound like a daft question but assuming I'm successful with my VE:165 visa (soon!) as a Software Designer do I need to do that EXACT job when we get to Oz or can I do a "similar" IT related role?


Do I need to prove to the authorities that i'm fulfilling the skill they "may" let me in on?


Thanks for any advice or comments...



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In fact just found this on the DIAC website (so it seems even though they may let you in with a particular skill you can do any job?) seems a bit daft to me but hey!!


Skilled – Independent (Migrant) Visa (Subclass 175)


Obligations There are no conditions placed on this visa.

If you are granted this visa you are able to live and work in any part of Australia and engage in any type of employment. You and any accompanying secondary applicants must however comply with Australian laws. Failure to do so may affect your ability to remain in Australia.

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