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We've started the Ball Rolling.....


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Hi everyone. Well we've made a start. Went to see Ian Harrop last Wednesday and started filling the forms in. Neil has been busy gathering references for the TRA and its all starting to feel very real now. Aarrrrggghhhh!!!!!


We've had a very mixed reaction from family and friends. Our parents seem quite subdued and calm about the whole thing but friends and siblings are really upset. I've been quite shocked by some of the reactions and at times have felt quite guilty about the decision we've made.


Some days I feel quite calm about it all and then others I wonder what the hell we're doing!! I'm sure everyone on here feels the same.


We'll keep posting to let you all know our progress and I'm sure we'll be asking loads more questions in the coming months.


ta ta for now. Tracey

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Guest Ian&Lou

Hi Tracey,


Congratulations on taking the first step - it is scary isn't it.:unsure:


We had a mixed response from our parents when we told them, but they seem to be coming round to the idea now. I'm sure it will be the same for you. Like you say we are all going through the same sort of emotions on here - it's such a major thing to do but we are doing it for the right reasons.


Good luck with the whole process, I'll keep an eye out for your updates!



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We're at the same stage as you. Quite daunting really isn't but exciting at the same time.


We've told most of our friends and family and the reactions we got were generally positive. Most said things like '...don't blame you' and 'go for it'.


I haven't told my mum yet though - I'm dreading that one as I know she's going to be absolutely gutted. I've decided I'm not going to tell her until things are more certain. It may all come to nought and so I don't want to upset her unnecessarily.


Anyway, all the best with your TRA and visa apps. Good luck.



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Guest Susi & Ash

good luck to you on your way to oz!!

we've also just started signing up with an agent .. so first steps for us too.


and you are so right: very exciting but also very daunting!


oh has told his mum already - because she was annoying him (yet again!)

she sort of didn't care ?!?!?!?


i haven't told any of my family yet - but i do live abroad for them anyways - so it shouldn't make too much a difference .. i think ?!?


we'll just a little bit longer!


keep us posted!



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Guest carla&trev

Hi Guys

We too are in the same position, just trying to get all the evidence together for the TRA application. We haven't told anyone yet - OH's mum and dad will be the trickiest. We thought it might be best to wait until we had our visa offer or at least get the TRA as we wouldn't want to risk upsetting everyone to then say we didn't get in! We also live abroad, in France, so we know that we can leave friends and family. Yes, we know it is the other side of the world but it just means that friends and relatives will have to save up and visit - no more cheap holidays on us!!!!

Anyway, good luck to you all and let's keep each other posted on latest developments.

Carla X

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Thanks everyone for your messages. It's good to know you're not on your own.


We'll have to keep each other updated. People on this site have been so helpful and friendly. Reading the posts for the last few months has definitely helped me to get my head around the whole idea of moving to Oz.


Cal - I was wondering how Zak is getting on at school? Hayleigh says she'll send him another message (when she can get on the computer!!!). I have a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind. I'll send you a PM if thats okay.


Thanks again to everyone. 'Speak' soon.



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