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education for 16yr old

Guest sharrondodd

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Guest sharrondodd

my son wants to finish gcse's b4 moving out to oz with us, where does he stand with schools when he arrives. what year will he go into can he continue his education from that point he will be 16 when he arrives in Oz.

any info greatly recieved

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Guest The Pom Queen
my son wants to finish gcse's b4 moving out to oz with us, where does he stand with schools when he arrives. what year will he go into can he continue his education from that point he will be 16 when he arrives in Oz.

any info greatly recieved


Hi Sharron

Depending on when his birthday falls he will either go in to Yr 10 or Yr 11.

Take a look here for more information on schooling: Moving to Melbourne: Schools in Melbourne

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It all depends on what time of year you will be moving here and which state you will be going to.


In general it is advisable for a student to do the complete course of years 11 and 12 because if you miss a substantial part of the course you will be disadvantaged when it comes to your year 12 score.


The academic year begins in Jan/Feb here in Aus so you would expect a person of 16 to be enrolling next week in year 11. However, it is possible to be a bit older and still enrol in year 11 although the social cohort will be younger. Alternatively it is possible to do your year 11/12 course at TAFE with older people.


Most kids will be 16 or turning 16 during the first half of the year when entering year 11 btw.

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Guest sharrondodd

thank you he will turn 16 this December but most likely we won't get to melbourne till june 2010,he wants to finish his gcse's here first which will be completed hopefully in the june that year. so do you think tafe is advisable for his next option he wants to be an accountant.

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thank you he will turn 16 this December but most likely we won't get to melbourne till june 2010,he wants to finish his gcse's here first which will be completed hopefully in the june that year. so do you think tafe is advisable for his next option he wants to be an accountant.


It would certainly be an option to consider because he is going to need quite good year 12 results to get into accountancy. You could contact this mob Chartered Accountants - Number One In Numbers, Homepage and ask them about the educational requirements then you will know what he has to achieve in his final years of school.

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Guest meganhannah
It would certainly be an option to consider because he is going to need quite good year 12 results to get into accountancy. You could contact this mob Chartered Accountants - Number One In Numbers, Homepage and ask them about the educational requirements then you will know what he has to achieve in his final years of school.


Hey Quoll I really appreciate your post on education for older teenagers. I have a sixteen year old will be 17 in April and hope to come to Brisbane in June/July. He did well in GCSE's and will be completed first year of A levels (A'S levels). Tom wants to do a degree in English ( he wants to be a journalist) and I noticed you that his grade will depend on completion of year 11 and 12, so really concerened. He wants to go to TAFE to do year 12. What grade do you need to qualify for uni therein English - prob chances low due to prob only completing year 12. Getting soooooo worried

There is no right time time as I have 14, 12 and 4 year old (all to be 1 year older very soon).

Anyway sorry for waffle



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Hey Quoll I really appreciate your post on education for older teenagers. I have a sixteen year old will be 17 in April and hope to come to Brisbane in June/July. He did well in GCSE's and will be completed first year of A levels (A'S levels). Tom wants to do a degree in English ( he wants to be a journalist) and I noticed you that his grade will depend on completion of year 11 and 12, so really concerened. He wants to go to TAFE to do year 12. What grade do you need to qualify for uni therein English - prob chances low due to prob only completing year 12. Getting soooooo worried

There is no right time time as I have 14, 12 and 4 year old (all to be 1 year older very soon).

Anyway sorry for waffle




Is there any chance he could hang on and finish A levels? (stay with family or friends perhaps?) If he could then he would probably need lower grades than he would if he were going to uni in UK to get into an Aus uni (the comparisons I have seen tend to be very generous to A level grades, like Cs and Ds for some subjects which would require As and Bs in UK. You could email the local unis and ask them what would be required to enter journalism or a basic Arts degree with English majors (Aus degrees are quite different, they are much broader with a wide range of courses) - generic Arts degrees usually have amongst the lowest entry requirements.


I dont know about Qld but most states have a 2 year course (11 & 12) which usually have some continuous assessment and exams at the end. You need a certain number of credits to get your year 12 cert - I know that one of the forum members' sons has just had some problems by going directly into year 12 and he couldnt get his cert as he didnt have enough credits for the full course. It's a minefield I reckon!


Good luck!!!

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My daughter applied to University of Queensland last year for a place on an arts degree course. She left school soon after doing her AS levels due to burn out and other factors. She then successfully completed the first unit of a degree with the Open University before deciding she wanted to go and be a 'proper' student at University of Queendland. When she applied the Uni did a conversion thing with her AS results and she got a high OP score which was enough for her to get into the course. They ignored her OU results she got in on her AS's (no A2's).


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Guest meganhannah

My daughter applied to University of Queensland last year for a place on an arts degree course. She left school soon after doing her AS levels due to burn out and other factors. She then successfully completed the first unit of a degree with the Open University before deciding she wanted to go and be a 'proper' student at University of Queendland. When she applied the Uni did a conversion thing with her AS results and she got a high OP score which was enough for her to get into the course. They ignored her OU results she got in on her AS's (no A2's).


I want to thank both yourself deb and quol for your replies I really appreciate it especually you deb as your daughter has first hand experience it has made me feel a lot better. Although really worried, scared ect about our big move but at the same time excited. If the kids settle quilkly and OH settle quickly I will be able to relax.


JO :nah:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TeresaMck

hi there, just read yr threads which has helped me out to, ive just joined this site so still finding my feet, we are just looking into going to OZ and are aiming for 2011 june time becasue i have 2 daughters 1 is 11 and the other is 17, she is in yr 12 just doing her AS's but we decided to stay for her to finish her A levels, then hopefully she can go to uni once we move over there.




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hi there, just read yr threads which has helped me out to, ive just joined this site so still finding my feet, we are just looking into going to OZ and are aiming for 2011 june time becasue i have 2 daughters 1 is 11 and the other is 17, she is in yr 12 just doing her AS's but we decided to stay for her to finish her A levels, then hopefully she can go to uni once we move over there.




Very sensible! Get in touch with the uni she fancied going to and ask them for what A level grades they would expect for the course she wants to do - better to know ahead of time what she is aiming for.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest rachyh

Hi, just read these threads and Im 17 in two weeks and I'm hoping to go to Oz with my family in September time. I will have done my AS levels but not my A2. Is it possible to go straight into Aussie year 12 in the January and not do year 11?

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Hi, just read these threads and Im 17 in two weeks and I'm hoping to go to Oz with my family in September time. I will have done my AS levels but not my A2. Is it possible to go straight into Aussie year 12 in the January and not do year 11?


It all depends on the state - and you would need to discuss with them whether you have enough credits for year 12 in the right subjects. Also there are often exams based on the two years work for 11/12 so if you miss the content of yr 11 and any continuous assessment done during the year you could be disadvantaged. You might get into uni with your AS levels - you could always check with them and ask for an equivalence if you want to do a uni course. Any chance you could stay and finish A levels then you wouldnt need to worry?


Otherwise, age wise you would be about the right age for year 11 this year and year 12 in 2010 so that wouldnt be an issue.

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Guest rachyh

Thanks! I can't stay and finish my A levels because our visa's run out in Jan 2010 which is 3 months before my final exams and i know they don't really give out visa extensions. If we go in September i could go into year 11 for the last couple of months before breaking up at xmas and hopefully try and catch up on some of the work before year 12, would that be a better option?

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Thanks! I can't stay and finish my A levels because our visa's run out in Jan 2010 which is 3 months before my final exams and i know they don't really give out visa extensions. If we go in September i could go into year 11 for the last couple of months before breaking up at xmas and hopefully try and catch up on some of the work before year 12, would that be a better option?




I would def say go into school in the Sept/Oct. We planned our arrival in the Jan (08) so my daughter could go straight into yr 12 but once she arrived there she found out that the school had started yr 12 work the October before, when the previous yr12's had finished school!

She ended up doing 9mths of a 2 yr course.


When applying for Uni, most Uni's will have 'special circumstances' form which you will be able to apply for because of 'distrupted education due to moving', but make sure you start looking early because this has to be in quite early on, also you have to get ref letters from school etc.


I have two teens who've just started Uni last month so if there's anything I can help with please ask.


We are in NSW btw

Sam x

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Guest rachyh

Thankyou! That's really helped! Did your daughter settle in ok? We're not sure whereabwts we are moving to yet! It could be Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne! x

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Thankyou! That's really helped! Did your daughter settle in ok? We're not sure whereabwts we are moving to yet! It could be Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne! x



Did she settle ok?? Lets just say she's had her ups n downs lol.

Its been hard, harder than I ever imagined it would be for her. She's very outgoing and makes friends easily so I thought she'd be ok but there have been times when she has sat sobbing, begging us all to go home.

The Aussie kids are great and they made her feel welcome from the first day she started school. But things are different over here.


She has had boyfriend trouble, exam stress and not knowing what she was going to do when she finished yr12 really worried her (all her aussie mates didnt seem to care...it was summer and they'd just left school, they couldnt understand why she wasnt happy).

We also went back to England, 10mths after leaving, for a hol and I think it was too soon. Leaving again 3 weeks later was worse than leaving the first time.


BUT, on a more positive note, she has made a few really close friends, has a part time job that she enjoys, is still with her boyfriend after all the ups n downs and is really loving Uni.

There have been more good times than bad (its just the bad are very bad lol) and after 14 months shes still here with us and I am very proud of her for sticking it out.


Goodluck and stay positive :smile:

Sam x

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Guest rachyh

Thanks :) yeah we moved to melbourne a few years ago and i remember finding it so much harder than we ever imagined, we didn't stick it out and came home 8 months later. except now we've realised that what we missed in England isn't much and that we were better off in Oz after all. i suppose we always think the grass is greener. we are hoping to go back to Oz in september, but my only problem is my boyfriend who will be staying in the UK. he's saving up to come over and see us, but i know its going to be even harder this time than it was last time! Rachel :) xx

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