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How soon is too soon?


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We've only been here three weeks and I'm already thinking about our first trip back to the UK. Mostly to avoid the farewells been too tearful we promised to visit June next year but now we've looked at the school holidays it's going to be either April or July.


Do you think April is too soon to visit? I am worried that it may be too unsettling & waiting a couple more months would be better. But if we go the the UK in April we can go snowboarding in NZ in July :smilexmas:


Definitely happy so far but now DH has started work I am looking wistfully at the other mums and toddlers picnicing with friends whilst we trundle about on our own and I'm worried seeing all my friends so soon might be a bad thing!


When did you have your first trip back? How did it work out?



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Hi Jules,

Everybody's different & cope in our different ways with the settling in period.

My honest opinion is maybe that would be a little too soon but if you feel happy with that then maybe you should just go with your gut feeling.


I am hopeing to go back this year as i havent been back yet & been here in oz 3 years next July (have 2 girls in the uk & 1 here in oz with me)

Im a bit scared to go back - cause i might just not get on the return flight back to oz (back i know i have too & this is where my home is for now)


If i were in your shoes i woudnt book anything just yet, you may feel a little different in a few months time

Best of luck

stuju :-)

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Oh wow, you've got me thinking now but we do 'have' to go back next year as that's expected now.


We'll be going back every year, at least once so I will have to get used to it!

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It's maybe worth adding that my dad is in poor health so visiting us is out of the question and without being morbid we have to visit him whilst we still can.



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It probably isnt going to make that much difference really. If you are going to be homesick it wont matter if you go home in April or December, the farewells are going to be just as hard no matterwhen you head off. I'd be choosing times where the flights are cheap, the weather is likely to be good (well, good-ish) and you arent battling with zillions of tourists to get into things.


In lots of ways, going back quite early will do a couple of things for you - it will make it easier to see that you do have choices and you arent stuck here for ever and ever (believe me, the thought of this being final is one of the hardest things to overcome with respect to "belonging" here), and that a flight home is quite easy to arrange and go ahead with. It may also have the added advantage of making you realize that you like what you have here and that you have severed ties with the UK.

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Guest spottymercedes

Hi there, I was planning to go back in Jan 09 after arriving in May 08, but I have decided its too soon for me. I feel as though I have only just got here. To start with I didn't like it here that much, but I am starting to really enjoy it now and don't feel ready to go back yet. You should do what suits you best and maybe leave booking it for a while yet, but see how you feel in a month or two.

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Hi Jules;

My own experience is that I went back after only 6 months and it was too soon. I felt sooo bad the morning we left that I made my husband promise I could go back for Christmas with our eldest before I'd leave. I was really miserable and homesick and I think going back just made it worse. It also meant I couldn't help revealling to my parents how distressed I was and that made it all so much harder for them. But you are a totally different person and only you can figure out the right time. I would say though, do what is right for you and don't let anyone else's expectations determine what you choose. You don't need to make it harder for yourself. People who love you will understand if you choose to postpone a visit if you explain. Look after yourself,


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