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In Limbo!!

Guest maxytiff

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Guest maxytiff

I am bored and can't wait to go to Oz, have our flights booked, visa got, bank account's open. In limbo now, can't sort out shipping yet as nothings packed and we've still got two months till were going. What else can I do while were waiting?

Feel like i'm not being productive enough. Moan moan-sorry! :goofy:

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Glad to hear you've sorting everything you can sort...!


Hope you find something to keep you occupied!


Dan xx:smile:

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Guest guest17301

Hmmm, I feel the same, still waiting for the 457 but expecting that any day now. I just feel like there's something I should be doing...but don't know what. No doubt I will be in a mad panic after Christmas with tons to do! I feel like I've planned all I can and can't do much else till we arrive. Very frustrating and gives you lots of time to worry..and come on PIO!

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Guest guest17301
How about eat everything you think you might miss. Have all your favourite takeaways.

Visit some old haunts one last time, oh and eat everything you think you might miss!!! xx



Yeah but what if you're dieting to get into your shorts????:arghh:

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Guest guest17301

I'm not at work all the time Darren! And yes actually you little know all, lol, shorts are part of a nurses uniform in some Oz hospitals!!

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I am bored and can't wait to go to Oz, have our flights booked, visa got, bank account's open. In limbo now, can't sort out shipping yet as nothings packed and we've still got two months till were going. What else can I do while were waiting?...Feel like i'm not being productive enough. Moan moan-sorry!


Hya maxytiff: Having just moved again, the SEVENTH time in SEVEN years (at least) & that on top of emigrating to USA & returning 13+ yrs later to UK, I'll say: however prepared you think you are, there's probably loads you can be doing to ease the eventual & inevitable pain! But in the event you truly are ORGANIZED, this is the TIME to do all those things you planned to do... yet have never gotten round to doing.:spinny:

Our Experience: Moving 2-bed rental cottage over 2-day period (& by most peeps standards we are very organized & pretty tidy!): This involved an enormous effort to sort, pack, move (they did do it for us, but to be honest what I packed was done much better than one of the Movers, who eg, packed all our books upside down, which hasn't done them much good...) also they do expect you to assist... then, once the container was gone, cleaned the house to leave it in Move In Condition. We then drove down to Durham before the eateries closed. It was horrendous for both of us, & my OH is young & fit, but I have all this moving experience on my side, so I pretty well know what I'm doing, so we really thought we would have it sussed! But we could barely drive the hour there & then the effort to walk 1/2hr into town for food was excruciating - we were beyond exhausted... So this time, we thought it can't be THAT bad! NO move could ever be that bad - but honestly, 10-days later & we're both still knackered!


For Emigrating I started purging & de-cluttering, emptying drawers, cupboards & closets around 10-weeks before the Movers arrived, peeps say you can just empty drawers into boxes, but this isn't recommended, do you really want sticky sweets, empty wrappers, old flyers & dust bunnies mixed in with miscellaneous paperwork & rubber bands?! And for true Export Wrap, nothing is supposed to move around - the one guy was brilliant, he even wrapped the bean shredder! Even if you are really tidy & organized, when looking at your possessions with a critical eye you'll be amazed what you've amassed & wonder how you've accumulated so much stuff & do you REALLY want to take THAT to OZ?!...:wink: Also, think about how you want your stuff packed & start putting it into the order you want it to go in, because their description on the box won't be much help when you open it 10 weeks later!


I donated bags of clothes, took lord-knows how many sacks of rubbish to the dump, several times... I started cleaning all those hard to reach places (top of cupboards, baseboards, behind the loo, shed, garage, loft, attic, tree house...) a month before the movers arrived & kept that up so the place was basically clean by Moving Day, making it easier for us to do the Big Clean prior to having the carpets shampooed once the Movers were done... Any outdoor items, furniture, gardening supplies have to be cleaned & painted - any untreated IKEA-type wood - paint/preserve... Just planning the logistics of all this takes time!


The thing is, anything you can do NOW will benefit you at Moving Time. I do hear my Father's advice: Never put off till Tomorrow What you can Easily do TODAY! Such wise words, because you never know what might happen between now & THEN - at the very least you could have a cold & feel like c**p, so purging & packing will be the last thing you want to do when you have NO choice!


Also, this is the great & maybe final opportunity to get to do all the things you've never gotten round to doing, or going to or visiting - because as much as you are looking FORWARD to your new Ozzie Life, once you are here there will be things you'll be looking back on & missing & wishing you'd done, if only you'd had the time... We visited as many places as we could, historic homes, castles, moors, beaches, villages, cos they just aren't here, so at least we've been there & done that! And I see there are loads of budget flights @ the mo you could even do some city hops for under a hundred quid! We tried to see as many people as possible, but even so I didn't get to see my Uncle & Aunty (I only have one set on each side of my family) so that's been 5yrs I guess since I last saw them... & I missed other friends & associates, that had I made a greater effort would have been good to say Goodbye...


Also don't miss this opportunity to ensure all your records & everything else you are going to need is up to date, archiving bank statements & bills, even recording fav programs or buying up cheap DVD's - TV here is bad! Are all your friends, family, businesses, etc., accounted for, their addresses, phone numbers, emails correct? You can pick up last minute bargains for all those really useful things, often for the kitchen/utility that seem to be costly & not so good here, even linens, or if you like gardening, planters & pots, books, too - haven't seen bargain booksellers here... Taken out of their wraps who knows how long you've been storing them, I'm just about down to my last Brillo pad & haven't looked yet to see if they sell them here... Failing that, do as HRH suggests, & Take Oneself For A Good Walk!


All the best, the time will soon slip away, especially with Christmas & all the demands that can mean... Happy Packing!


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Guest maxytiff

Herbster-Thanks alot for your post, that was so nice! I need something to occupy myself to stop thinking about all the stuff that could go wrong.lol. I've got 5/6 things that need doing today so i should tear myself away from pio and do it! x

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Herbster-Thanks alot for your post, that was so nice! I need something to occupy myself to stop thinking about all the stuff that could go wrong.lol. I've got 5/6 things that need doing today so i should tear myself away from pio and do it! x

You're Welcome! Just write loads of Lists & Schedules, (start from shutting the house door for the final time & work your way back to now - ooooo!?) they all help keep you on track, then hopefully nothing will go wrong - although trying to THINK of EVERYTHING ain't easy - that's why you've PIO, so you can pick our brains to take the strain!

All the best, you'll be fine! :)X

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