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Flights are booked . . . now I'm scared!!!!

Guest smila

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Just a little update!


The flights are booked . . . . we depart from Heathrow at 8pm on the 5th January!! I can't believe we leave the UK in 6 wks and I feel sick every time I think of it now :shocked: !!


I'm sure it's only natural to be feeling like this, but I really hope it passes coz all my enthusiasm and 'get up and go' has definately got up and gone!! I've got sooo much to do but just can't seem to summon up the interest and energy to do it!


On a positive note for anyone else who's looking at booking flights, we got ours via www.lastminute.com and are flying with Air Mauritius. The flights have only cost £477 each, approx £200 cheaper per person than other airlines we'd looked at, so I was quite chuffed to have found what I consider to be a bargain for the time of year we're flying! They may not have as good onboard entertainment as other companies, but I figured we'd make do for that saving and the kids can play with their DS's and use their ipods lol!!


Right, that's all I've got to say for now coz I feel even more sick now I'm writing about going!! I'm sure my excitement will return soon . . . or at least I hope so :confused: !!


Will keep u all informed . . .


Lizzie x

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Guest Charlies Angel

What you are feeling is normal! I remember feeling that way when we booked our flights. Then it was a mad rush to get everything done and then i just wanted to get on the plane!! Good Luck!

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Hi Lizzie, reading your post made me feel sick too, god I've only just sold the house and I keep waking up early with a trillion things whizzing round me head thinking can we do this, how do we do that etc etc, it's really freaking me out, I keep thinking god am I doing the right thing and I haven't even booked my flights yet. ..... "knees wobbling" I am sure this is how everyone feels, but god its worse than getting married for heavens sake!

I think for me my main worry at the mo is trying to get things organised but haven't paid out for anything yet because if the sale falls through I will be gutted. I am having my dog spayed on weds and cat chipped but if it fell through that would still be of benefit to us but with regards to booking flights etc,...... I'm just holding off for now. Wishing you all the very best tho, where are you going to? Just remember hundreds of us poms have done this and go through all this so stick with it it will be worth it.....:cute:

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Hi Lizzie!


Huge congrats on booking those flights! Sounds like you got quite a bargain!


I'm sure those feelings are normal... maybe you could have a couple of days rest and then get everything sorted... it might make you remember why you're doing this... anyway Lots of Luck!!! Will speak soon...


Dan xx

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Guest aussie roy

:smile: How things have changed since I came to Oz,all our travel arrangements were done for us,initially our only cost was for the shipment of our goods and chattels from Chorley,Lancs to Southhampton as we elected to sail. Of course in those days it was still assisted passage and my sponsor in Australia paid the twenty pounds on condition that I stayed with them for two years,that is another story. We still had that feeling of apprehension as our departure date neared,even as we boarded the train on the night before we left England. We were asleep as the ship left Southampton and when we did go up to the deck we realised we were actually on our way,bringing tears to my wife's eyes but that was over forty years ago and we are still here,now three generations of us. :biggrin:

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Guest guest17301
:smile: How things have changed since I came to Oz,all our travel arrangements were done for us,initially our only cost was for the shipment of our goods and chattels from Chorley,Lancs to Southhampton as we elected to sail. Of course in those days it was still assisted passage and my sponsor in Australia paid the twenty pounds on condition that I stayed with them for two years,that is another story. We still had that feeling of apprehension as our departure date neared,even as we boarded the train on the night before we left England. We were asleep as the ship left Southampton and when we did go up to the deck we realised we were actually on our way,bringing tears to my wife's eyes but that was over forty years ago and we are still here,now three generations of us. :biggrin:


Great post Roy, we got it a lot easier these days but doesn't make it any less stressful!

Lizzie- I lost my motivation a few weeks back but it's back with a vengeance now. Good luck- you go girl Perth is calling xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest fruitcakechic

Hi folks, first time I've posted a message, however I have had loads of great advice reading other posts. Our flights are booked for 30th dec, arriving in brisbane on 1st Jan, cant quite believe it. I am a psychiatric nurse and have a job at Royal Brisbane Hospital, my OH has no job as yet. My son who is 13 is so excited. Just felt I had to share the good news, those who are waiting for visas etc, stay positive.

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Hi folks, first time I've posted a message, however I have had loads of great advice reading other posts. Our flights are booked for 30th dec, arriving in brisbane on 1st Jan, cant quite believe it. I am a psychiatric nurse and have a job at Royal Brisbane Hospital, my OH has no job as yet. My son who is 13 is so excited. Just felt I had to share the good news, those who are waiting for visas etc, stay positive.

:smilexmas:hi there, welcome to pio.. good luck for brisbane!!

all the best smilla, we booked our flights for end of feb and im constant terror and excitement...thought waiting for the visa was bad ! all the best all ..

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Guest roger gunstone

Good Luck to you all. I hope it works for you,enjoy your new lifestyle. I should have gone a long time ago but my time will come. good luck all the best

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Guest happy feet

Know how you feeling. My flights booked 3 Feb from manchester, and i have the same feelings. So much still to do, but when i sit down( not very often) i get very emotional and scared..Can't wait to be sat on the plane and then i can relax abit.. before i land that is......


Good luck



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Ah thanks everyone for your good wishes & support . . . it really helps to hear that other people are experiencing, or have felt, the same whirlwind of emotions! I'd like to say that I'm now back to my positive self, but unfortunately the doubt just keeps mounting. The lastest thing to happen is that my dad was admitted to hospital really unwell over the weekend. He's since been started on dialysis, due to renal failure, and has also lost his sight in one eye. It just brings it home how I'm not going to be around if any member of the family is taken ill, or worse. Oh, and my little sis has just announced she's pregnant! This would normally be great news, but as I delivered her first baby and had always said I'd deliver her next, it again just makes me feel sad and realise what I'm going to miss out on. It's really difficult, but I know we have to follow our dreams and try and give our kids a better way of life and it helps knowing that our family support us in this, even though they regularly burst into tears now that the flights are booked! It probably doesn't sound like it, but I am really excited still (sometimes anyway!) and Hannah and Jack can't wait! I just wish I had a magic wand and could flit between the two countries as and when needed, without the cost and time involved in flying back!! x

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