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Maternity Leave issues

Guest Angelcake

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Guest Angelcake

I have been told by my agent that before I can apply, I need to have been worked at least 24 months out of the last 36months.


The problem I have is that I have just had a year off on maternity leave, although I have still been employed by the company and it only takes me up to 22 months out of 36 months!! How annoying is that!!


He says that maternity leave on full pay can be accepted for work experience but it is not written down anywhere and hence a case officer may take a different opinion.


Has anyone got any experience of this?


Otherwise it means me working another 2 yrs before I can even apply - agggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



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Hi there,

I can't exactly help but I am in a similar experience. I've been on maternity leave since september and wasn't planning on going back til july, we finally decided that we were going to go for it with the emmigration, and contacted a couple of agents. One said that so long as I only had 6months or less off on mat leave that it would be ok, have then spoken to another agent who said that actually I definitely need to have worked the last 12 months before lodging the application and that a case officer won't take kindly to 6 months away from the job!!

This whole thing is confusing enough without conflicting advice. It seems like such a long time to wait once you've decided!


Poor you having to wait 2 years, what job do you do?


Sorry I haven't been any help!

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Guest Angelcake

Hi Chico,


Unfortunately I had a whole year off so think this is why I have to start over again. What a pain!


Im an Education manager for a University.


How about you?



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Hi angelcake,

I'm a midwife which is on the jobs in demand list, maybe thats why I only need to work 1 out of 2 years?


It's so infuriating though it must be doubly so for you, now I'm feeling the pressure to get back to work sooner than I wanted so the 12mths comes round quicker!


One agent did say that if I went back to work after 6 months I may get in but he couldn't say for certain and when your spending all that money you want the best possible chance, plus my 6months is up in 3 weeks and I'm so not ready to go back!!


I'd heard about the sponsorship option but although we want to get in on my visa we're hoping that my hubby will get a job and I can stay at home with the kids, at least to start with, I can't imagine life without grannys nearby to help with childcare!!


Any chance you could try the sponsorship route angelcake??

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Guest Angelcake

Thanks for your replies Chico and Ali.


I'm in a similar position, when we get to Australia, I want my husband to get the job and me not to work so I can look after the children. I have a 3 yr old and 1 yr old twins and Im only going back to work now so that we can eventually get to Australia.


So a sponsorship isnt really an option for us unfortunately.


Guess I'll just have to be patient(something Im not very good at!!)



PS I think being a midwife must be an amazing job and the midwives I know here in the UK are SO overworked!!! Im sure working life in Australia must be so much better

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