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Renting in Melbourne - Viewings


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Hi all - I was hoping someone who has been through the renting process could help me out. How do the viewings you see advertised for rental properties actually work? Is it just a scrum to see who can say they will take the house first or is it more like an auction when the agent sees who will offer the most after the viewing or is it something else entirely.


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Guest The Pom Queen


It really does depend on the agent and how many applications they get on a property. Agents have been known to approach a landlord and say that they have ex amount of people who have submitted an application, the landlord may then say right well I like Couple A because they are a business couple no kids or animals, OR the landlord may say right who will pay the highest, now if the landlord says that, the agent will not usually tell you those exact words but he will play mind games with you and say, well we have another 5 applications on the property, maybe you could offer a little more. In fact it is common practice here for people to automatically put that they will offer more than the asking price if they do like a property on their application.


Another thing you need to remember is that although there may be lots of properties up on realestate web site for rent, some may not be available immediately, and the others may not have organised an Open for Inspection date. The OFI are so annoying because you may be desperate to get a property but you can only see it in another 7 days for a viewing time of 10 minutes, if you miss this then either the property will have been rented out OR you have to wait another 7 days for the next viewing. This is why once you have an application put in on a property you must continue viewing other properties otherwise the weeks just fly by and you are still no closer.

Anyway I must go to bed now. I hope this helps a little, sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am half asleep.


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Thank's Kate thats really helpful. What's the legal situation regarding putting in an application? Is it legally binding if the agent accepts it or are there more contracts etc to sign. The reason I ask is that obviously once you have put in an application and are waiting to hear back from the agent more properties might become available etc and if it is quite competitive for properties I wouldn't want to miss out on one.

Thanks again


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Once the deal is done you would be asked to sign a lease that is when it becomes binding and therefore you have to keep applying for properties as being a tight rental market there are lots of people chasing property.


This year my son moved to a medium sized country town in Victoria and the rentals the agents had were virtually non existent. He put an ad in the local rag and got lots of phone calls and ended up with a super property fully furnished which is great and right where wanted it. He got a lot of calls. Some people don't like to use agents at all.

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Hi Marky

When we got here we found a place that we really liked, the EA told us that the owner was also trying to sell the place but that we should submit our application ASAP, so we did.

During the wait we looked for more places luckily as the owner NEVER even got back to us on that.

We managed to see a couple of properties close to each other that had 'open for inspections' on the same afternoon.

We got to the first one late and the EA was closing up as we arrived, we literally saw it for 2 mins and it was ok from what we remembered. The second property we didn't like.

We decided to apply for the one we liked and see what happened. We got the house and when the EA called to tell us we asked if we could go and view it again (the excuse was 'to see if our furniture would fit'). Luckily we actually liked the house and moved in.

Various Estate Agents told us that landlords will pick from the applications and it depends on many things but the money being guarenteed always helps. We're here on a 'corporate relocation' and were told to write that on the form in big letters!!!

I hope this helps, good luck with the property hunting!

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hi, when we arrived in Melbourne, people at my OH's work told him not to bother going to mass viewings as its a big scrum and you get 10 mins to view the property. We viewed one house which we liked and the agent assured us we would get it and we didn't but luckily we liked and got the fourth property I viewed. Also a lot of properties are advertised but when you phone the agent to arrange a viewing they say they haven't set a date yet and about 3 weeks later they will phone you with a date. I found in a bit frustrating but hang in there. Have a bank statement, job offer letter or reference ready if possible it can speed up the process.

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Thanks for all your help guys. We have a furnished rental for a month so are just keeping everything crossed that we manage to find somewhere in that time! I get the impression that some agents are happy to sort out private viewings on some properties - is that just wishful thinking on my part?

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Guest The Pom Queen
I get the impression that some agents are happy to sort out private viewings on some properties - is that just wishful thinking on my part?


Maybe it is wishful thinking, or maybe it depends on the surburb you are looking for, in the South East I would say 98% of properties are Open for Inspections only and the 2% that will open for private viewings are usually ones that they are struggling to rent out.


You should be ok with 4 weeks, but you will have to be out there looking straight away. We have a family staying in our rental whose 4 weeks are up today and they only managed to secure a rental on Monday and it wasn't in the area and suburb they really wanted. Where abouts in Melbourne are you heading?

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Maybe it is wishful thinking, or maybe it depends on the surburb you are looking for, in the South East I would say 98% of properties are Open for Inspections only and the 2% that will open for private viewings are usually ones that they are struggling to rent out.


You should be ok with 4 weeks, but you will have to be out there looking straight away. We have a family staying in our rental whose 4 weeks are up today and they only managed to secure a rental on Monday and it wasn't in the area and suburb they really wanted. Where abouts in Melbourne are you heading?



We're torn between Berwick / Narre Warren or Mt Eliza at the moment so we will need to make our minds up pretty sharp! Planning on starting with the local agents the day after we arrive.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi again,

I am sure you will find quite a few rentals in Berwick and Narre Warren, although it has just taken a family who were staying with us 4 weeks to find somewhere and only at the last minute did they find something in Narre Warren, it wasn't in the area they really wanted as they wanted to be close to their friend in lynbrook/Lyndhurst but the rental market is quite tight at the moment. It all depends on your budget and how many bedrooms. 4 bed properties have been hard to find for another family who stayed in our Mornington property again they were forced to look elsewhere.

I would probably recommend looking on realestate now, make contact with the agents and organise a few OFI for the first few days when you arrive.

Please note, DO NOT rely on agents to get back to you or even reply to emails, you need to ring, ring, ring!!!

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Guest emma cant wait to go!

hi there just wanted to share our expierience of trying to organise a rental from the uk before we arrive in Melbourne. We arrive on the 29th ........12 days from now, have 2 nights in the Hilton at the airport and from there,,,,,,oh let me think.......oh yes so far we are homeless!!! I just want to say its not through us being disorganised i promise! It's because so far the agents and the rental process we have encountered are useless!! We really wanted to secure a rental for 12 months prior to us arriving as my OH starts work after 6 days of us landing but it is now looking highly unlikely.

Even though the new employer has been fantastic and has viewed houses by proxy for us and the agents are very happy with this, they are just soooooo incredibly slow!

The application we currently have went in almost 2 weeks ago after an open house, and we sent absolutely everything! Then we discovered there were 8 applicants, and then just for good measure they decide to hold another open house!! After phone call after phone call and also the boss doing the same all we know is that ours is "a quality application!" and we may be successful! (or maybe not).

The ONLY good thing about this is that when i land in Melbourne i will be soooo ready to attack these agents! They think its hilarious that it just happens to be 2am here whilst its the middle of the day there! And oh how lovely "you're from the uk" . Well you know I will get my own back!!!!

Please take no offence, i'm sure they are all lovely people, but with 2 children in tow, and the option of a cost of $2500 for 2 weeks serviced appts, i'm currently a little bit worried!!

So my advice would be to agree with movin2melbourne, who has also given me some great advice, look before you go,arrange some viewings if poss and book holiday accomodation early!!!

Sorry if it's a rant, but good to know the truth!!

Take care

Emma x

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Guest Peninsula Pom
We're torn between Berwick / Narre Warren or Mt Eliza at the moment so we will need to make our minds up pretty sharp! Planning on starting with the local agents the day after we arrive.

Hi; just came on to the site and saw your dilemma. We had some real problems when we first got here but an incredible bit of luck put us in touch with an expat who had a 3 bedroom bungalow (unit) in Mornington. Beautiful place and we arranged to rent it off him for 8 weeks until our furniture arrived. If you still need a place, let us know and we'll dig out the details. Good luck anyway. Kate

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Guest Peninsula Pom

Hi; just came on to the site and saw your dilemma. We had some real problems when we first got here but an incredible bit of luck put us in touch with an expat who had a 3 bedroom bungalow (unit) in Mornington. Beautiful place and we arranged to rent it off him for 8 weeks until our furniture arrived. If you still need a place, let us know and we'll dig out the details. Good luck anyway. Kate

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Guest The Pom Queen
hi there just wanted to share our expierience of trying to organise a rental from the uk before we arrive in Melbourne. We arrive on the 29th ........12 days from now, have 2 nights in the Hilton at the airport and from there,,,,,,oh let me think.......oh yes so far we are homeless!!! I just want to say its not through us being disorganised i promise! It's because so far the agents and the rental process we have encountered are useless!! We really wanted to secure a rental for 12 months prior to us arriving as my OH starts work after 6 days of us landing but it is now looking highly unlikely.

Even though the new employer has been fantastic and has viewed houses by proxy for us and the agents are very happy with this, they are just soooooo incredibly slow!

The application we currently have went in almost 2 weeks ago after an open house, and we sent absolutely everything! Then we discovered there were 8 applicants, and then just for good measure they decide to hold another open house!! After phone call after phone call and also the boss doing the same all we know is that ours is "a quality application!" and we may be successful! (or maybe not).

The ONLY good thing about this is that when i land in Melbourne i will be soooo ready to attack these agents! They think its hilarious that it just happens to be 2am here whilst its the middle of the day there! And oh how lovely "you're from the uk" . Well you know I will get my own back!!!!

Please take no offence, i'm sure they are all lovely people, but with 2 children in tow, and the option of a cost of $2500 for 2 weeks serviced appts, i'm currently a little bit worried!!

So my advice would be to agree with movin2melbourne, who has also given me some great advice, look before you go,arrange some viewings if poss and book holiday accomodation early!!!

Sorry if it's a rant, but good to know the truth!!

Take care

Emma x




I can't believe that you still havent found anywhere:cry: I know the rental market is very tight at the moment but you do have your employer willing to help here so you should have been in a better position than most.

Emma, I know we don't have any vacancies this month but send me a pm if your stuck, I may be able to help.


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Guest The Pom Queen
just wondering where to look for a furnished rental.not having any luck.moving to melbourne in jan.mentone area we think



Hi Kev

We have quite a few furnished rentals available for January. The Gum Tree property offers free airport pick up, a free day out looking around suburbs, a food basket and free computer hire for your stay. We also provide a reference to people who stay with us which as helped in securing our clients (friends now) rentals.

Have a look at the website Moving to Melbourne: Accommodation Available in Melbourne and if I can help just let me know.


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Guest Peninsula Pom

Hi; just came on to the site and saw your dilemma. We had some real problems when we first got here but an incredible bit of luck put us in touch with an expat who had a 3 bedroom bungalow (unit) in Mornington. Beautiful place and we arranged to rent it off him for 8 weeks until our furniture arrived. If you still need a place, let us know and we'll dig out the details. Good luck anyway. Kate

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