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Going completely off the thread but does anyone know of any cures for Insomnia? Its 2.45am here in Mel and here I am sat on PIO because I cant sleep again!! This has been going on for over a week now and trying to look after 3 boys during the day (well one is at school) is not good!! :arghh:


Its not like I have jet lag or anything we have been here over a year!! lol


Would be grateful of any help!! Thanks


Deb xx

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Guest Tracey from Braintree

I wish I knew the answer!! I keep waking up at 1.30am (don't go to bed till 11ish) and then can't get back to sleep till about 6! With 2 young kids I certainly don't get a lie in after that.


Lucky for me though I got to see the Olympics live!!!!!! LOL

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A great big fat joint!!!!!!!!!


Rooibos tea also.


Thanks to you all will try what you have said!!


I think if I had a joint it would knock me out and I would sleep for a week!! lol


Off to bed now to see if the paracetemol that I have taken will work....if not will try something else!!


Deb xx

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Hi Deb



Spray some pure lavender oil on your pillow - failing that, try and find something on TV to do with political debates, Gordon Brown works a treat!!


Sue xx


Thanks Sue


I love lavender so I will buy some in morning (well when shops are open) lol!!

We dont get much of Gordon Brown on TV here but I spose we do have Kevin Rudd (but then thats another thread!!) lol :SLEEP:


Off to bed to try and get some sleep!!


Deb xx

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Guest julie2g1b

hiya debs


i have trouble sleeping and take a herbal tablet they are called peaceful


night i have cheacked web sites and they have the same in oz may be


different name check out a herbal shop just ask them for something to help


you sleep they work a treat for me and have been awake in the night for


the past 3 yrs so with 3 kids i get very ratty if not much worth a try been


on them 6 month and work brill


julie :wubclub:

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Another thing to try Deb, if something is bothering you it tends to rear it's ugly head about 3 in the morning and make you worry right until it's time to get up - at which time you fall fast asleep LOL!!:SLEEP:


Someone said to me that if this happens, keep a pen and paper next to the bed so you can write down whatever's bothering you.


Your mind then considers that you have "done something" about it and lets you nod back off again. I've tried it and it does work.


Sue xx

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Going completely off the thread but does anyone know of any cures for Insomnia? Its 2.45am here in Mel and here I am sat on PIO because I cant sleep again!! This has been going on for over a week now and trying to look after 3 boys during the day (well one is at school) is not good!! :arghh:


Its not like I have jet lag or anything we have been here over a year!! lol


Would be grateful of any help!! Thanks


Deb xx

Hi Deb,


Uuummmmm not good insomnia, you probably wont wanna here my reply but here goes anyway............ i suffered from this for 8 years of my life, ended up going backwards & forward to the doctors tried everything going from herbals to full on tablets to hot milk baths soothing music meditation, even saw a specialist if the subject, still to no avail,

(my insomnia was caused when my ex hubby started to work away during the week & came home fri eve to mon morning - once he started to work away which he did then for 8 years thats when the insomnia set in & was due to the fear of him coming home & keeping me awake & inturn in became a nightmare, i woudnt sleep fri,sat,sun cause he was there snoring, mon tues,i was so tired that my body coudnt relax properly to sleep & by wed,thurs i was panicking cause knew he would be home soon & snoring again, all the while before he worked away it didnt cause me any worries, it was the change in pattern & circumstances - this is what the specialist told me the problem was & for which there was only a couple of cures seperate rooms or my hubby to have an op so try & stop his snoring & it was bad it was very high deci bells, the most awful sound going,well my ex woudnt have the op so unfortuantley for my ex i divorced him (snoring & insomnia wasnt the only reason) in 2002 & have slept like a baby ever since


So really a change in pattern or circumstances are the main issues, theres a type of insomnia which is tempory (again from the specialist) which can be brought on by worries,stress & too much thinking.


Insomnia is the most awful thing & the clock watching & the long nights (getting out of bed & doing something makes it worse so stay in bed the specialist told me)


So maybe you should just relax & try some meditation


Hope you sleep again soon

Sweet dreams

stuju x

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Hi Deb


Spray some pure lavender oil on your pillow -


Sue xx



hiya debs


i have trouble sleeping and take a herbal tablet they are called peaceful


night i have cheacked web sites and they have the same in oz may be


different name check out a herbal shop just ask them for something to help


you sleep they work a treat for me and have been awake in the night for


the past 3 yrs so with 3 kids i get very ratty if not much worth a try been


on them 6 month and work brill


julie :wubclub:


Well I can honestly say that today I am feeling abit more alive!!....Thanks Sue and Julie


I bought some Lavender oil and also some herbal tablets yesterday and I had a lovely sleep!! Thank you!!


Just hope that they keep working!! lol. If not then I will try all other suggestions!! Thanks to you all!!


Deb xx

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Hi Deb,


Uuummmmm not good insomnia, you probably wont wanna here my reply but here goes anyway............ i suffered from this for 8 years of my life, ended up going backwards & forward to the doctors tried everything going from herbals to full on tablets to hot milk baths soothing music meditation, even saw a specialist if the subject, still to no avail,

(my insomnia was caused when my ex hubby started to work away during the week & came home fri eve to mon morning - once he started to work away which he did then for 8 years thats when the insomnia set in & was due to the fear of him coming home & keeping me awake & inturn in became a nightmare, i woudnt sleep fri,sat,sun cause he was there snoring, mon tues,i was so tired that my body coudnt relax properly to sleep & by wed,thurs i was panicking cause knew he would be home soon & snoring again, all the while before he worked away it didnt cause me any worries, it was the change in pattern & circumstances - this is what the specialist told me the problem was & for which there was only a couple of cures seperate rooms or my hubby to have an op so try & stop his snoring & it was bad it was very high deci bells, the most awful sound going,well my ex woudnt have the op so unfortuantley for my ex i divorced him (snoring & insomnia wasnt the only reason) in 2002 & have slept like a baby ever since


So really a change in pattern or circumstances are the main issues, theres a type of insomnia which is tempory (again from the specialist) which can be brought on by worries,stress & too much thinking.


Insomnia is the most awful thing & the clock watching & the long nights (getting out of bed & doing something makes it worse so stay in bed the specialist told me)


So maybe you should just relax & try some meditation


Hope you sleep again soon

Sweet dreams

stuju x



Hi Ju


Thanks for the reply!!.....8 years??!!!! I have only had it just over a week and already I am finding it hard!! As my previous post says I did buy some lavender oil and some herbal tablets yesterday and I did have a good sleep. I just hope it lasts!! lol


My god my OH snores but not really that bad, (it must have been awful for you!!)one kick and hes usually fine (apart from the bruses on his leg)!! lol


Thanks for the advise Ju and if the lavender oil and herbal tablets stop working I will give what you said a try!!


Deb xx

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Guest itskaren
Going completely off the thread but does anyone know of any cures for Insomnia? Its 2.45am here in Mel and here I am sat on PIO because I cant sleep again!! This has been going on for over a week now and trying to look after 3 boys during the day (well one is at school) is not good!! :arghh:


Its not like I have jet lag or anything we have been here over a year!! lol


Would be grateful of any help!! Thanks


Deb xx



I think I am a 'sleep expert!' I have suffered from sleep insomnia for years. I evern went to the stage where i nearly booked myself in to the sleep clinic in Camebridge. However, i have sort of got id doen to a knack.


Before I go on I live in melbourne and am happy to meet up? Pm me if you want!


Kind regards


Karen x

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Guest *KAY TEE*
Thanks Sue


I love lavender so I will buy some in morning (well when shops are open) lol!!

We dont get much of Gordon Brown on TV here but I spose we do have Kevin Rudd (but then thats another thread!!) lol :SLEEP:


Off to bed to try and get some sleep!!


Deb xx


My Husband going on about fishing...works everytime...lol... shhhh :smile:

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Well I can honestly say that today I am feeling abit more alive!!....Thanks Sue and Julie


I bought some Lavender oil and also some herbal tablets yesterday and I had a lovely sleep!! Thank you!!


Just hope that they keep working!! lol. If not then I will try all other suggestions!! Thanks to you all!!


Deb xx


Glad it worked Deb - PIO is like the Oracle, isn't it !!


Sue xx

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