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Moan moan moan:)))


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Just thought I would come on and have a moan:)))

Family's eh:)))

When we started all of the oz talk my family were totally up for it, ie, my eldest daughter, middle son and youngest daughter with her Bf. Well we are all still are going apart from my eldest daughter who has changed her mind a few times. She has gone back three times to a bloke who has treated her really bad and has cheated twice on her. My daughter is very pretty and this bloke is but ugly, what hold dose he have on her. It has now torn my family apart and I never see her now.

I feel I will never see her again or speak to her. She could have had a fantastic life in oz, but she dosen't care all she wants is him argh!!!!:arghh:

We wanted to go to oz and for our family to be really close, as mine and my OH family although large we never see any of them, so no great loss:))) Sad to say.

Dose any one else have or had the same problem?

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel, miss my daughter like mad:cry:

Moaner Briggyxxx:)))

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Sorry can't help you there but I think you will find that there are some fellow PIO'ers that have exactly the same experience as yourself.


Has your daughter got her visa too? Will she not even come if only to validate, let her know to come just for a holiday!


It must be hard for you and I hope all turns out well in the end


Good Luck

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Guest Redaussies

Yea it's the old saying "You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family" It's a tough situation and I think one that many on here have had to endure. Hope all works out for you and wish you all the best with it.

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Thanks for the replies:)))

She dosen't have a visa. She is 26 years old but seems to be rebelling I don't know why tho, Ive always been a good mum to all my kids due to the up bringing I had. She has even started smoking which was a big shock for me. She is a fully quallified in hair beauty and massage nails ect so the list goes on, quallified up to to hills, she has even given up her job for this guy twice. Me as a mum is totally guttered. I just pray one day she will see him for what he is an -ss hole.

She came to oz with us last year and loved it but she was with him at the time, plenty of guys wanting to chat her up, so I don't know, my daughter has broken mine and her dads heart by doing this. Like they say sh-t happens:(((

Thanks for listening to my moans, lets hope it will come right in the wash as they say:(((

Briggy xxx:)))

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Sorry to hear about your daughter. it sounds very familiar to me.

My parents moved when i was 18 i was the same not wanting to leave because i had a boyfriend so i stayed in the UK and what do you know 3 weeks after my mum had left i split with bf.


I was so pigheaded though that i stayed where i was and just got on with life.

16yrs later and a bit older & wiser i am now full of regrets and wish sooooo much i had got on that plane and i would now think of Oz as my home.


I think what i am trying to say is that hopefully your daughter will realise what she is missing out on

and follow you.

I only wish i had because now i am struggling to get visa to move!.

I hope everything works out for you.


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Sorry to hear about your daughter. it sounds very familiar to me.

My parents moved when i was 18 i was the same not wanting to leave because i had a boyfriend so i stayed in the UK and what do you know 3 weeks after my mum had left i split with bf.


I was so pigheaded though that i stayed where i was and just got on with life.

16yrs later and a bit older & wiser i am now full of regrets and wish sooooo much i had got on that plane and i would now think of Oz as my home.


I think what i am trying to say is that hopefully your daughter will realise what she is missing out on

and follow you.

I only wish i had because now i am struggling to get visa to move!.

I hope everything works out for you.


Thanks hun:wubclub:

You think you know your kids, but boy can they change. I feel she has totally changed.

It will break my heart when I have to leave her behind, because we all wanted to go. I live in hope tho, thanks to friends in Pio who let me moan:)))

Thanks Briggyxxx:yes:

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Guest Angie*mark

Hi briggy, sorry to hear about your daughter, although i dont have any advice as such, but i was in a similar posiition as your daughter, i defied my parents and moved in with my ex when i was 16 and quickly fell pregnant, my parents were fantastic but i was a rebel and no matter how hard my mum tried to get me home i would not go, it caused a massive falling out and i didnt speak to my mum for ages but i soon missed her and came crawling back but i still went with this bloke ( my dickhead of an ex which you've heard about) anyway to cut a long story short, i'm not with him anymore and me and my mum are closer than we've ever been. To be honest alot of it was i didn't want everyone to say " i told you it wouldnt work out" so i put up with the crap just to prove them wrong.

Sorry i know this dont help you much, but your daughter loves you, and hopefully in time she'll come round.

Good Luck


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My 17 year old daughter went to Wynnum Australia to visit her dad after many rows at home and decided to stay there. It broke my heart and I know what it feels like to miss your daughter. You know in your heart of hearts that the more you disaprove shewill dig her heels in and this chap will be more attractive to her. Its a fact of nature that girls fancy bad boys. Thats the bad news the good news is I bet any money when it all goes pear shaped for her ( which you know it will! ) she will want to come and be with you for that fresh start. Follow your dreams and byed your time. She will come!

:wubclub: Sending you positive thoughts as I know how difficult it is!

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Guest Karen K

Really sorry to here you are having a hard time, "families" have a lot to answer for . I am really lucky in that department, mine seem really glad for me and noone seems to upset at the moment, i feel like i am going on a long hoilday therefore not getting to upset. I do hope it all falls into place and heres a bunch of flowers to cheer you up XX1041811244_de828aaa68_o.jpg

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My 17 year old daughter went to Wynnum Australia to visit her dad after many rows at home and decided to stay there. It broke my heart and I know what it feels like to miss your daughter. You know in your heart of hearts that the more you disaprove shewill dig her heels in and this chap will be more attractive to her. Its a fact of nature that girls fancy bad boys. Thats the bad news the good news is I bet any money when it all goes pear shaped for her ( which you know it will! ) she will want to come and be with you for that fresh start. Follow your dreams and byed your time. She will come!

:wubclub: Sending you positive thoughts as I know how difficult it is!



Thanks hun this site is brill for when your a bit down, or a lot down. I havn't had any contact with her for a few months now. I did tell her at the time while she is with him I cant be there to see her being treated like crap. He wanted my daughter to live with him and his X incase it didn't work out, I'm like OMG!!!

Needless to say she is back with him and back engaged to him to, and I recon they will get married preety soon:(((

Briggy :wubclub:

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Really sorry to here you are having a hard time, "families" have a lot to answer for . I am really lucky in that department, mine seem really glad for me and noone seems to upset at the moment, i feel like i am going on a long hoilday therefore not getting to upset. I do hope it all falls into place and heres a bunch of flowers to cheer you up XX1041811244_de828aaa68_o.jpg


Thank you for the flowers, love lillies:))):wubclub:Briggy xxx

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Guest moonraker1961

Hi Briggy,

My daughter is 21.When she turned 18,she left home to live with "friends"in Luton.I was heartbroken.We were living in Berkshire at the time,and moved to Wiltshire 2 years ago.Anyway she met this guy,started living with him,within weeks of "knowing eachother".She then became pregnant (more heartbreak for me lol).Things were starting to become rocky between them,she then wrote us off for 4 months (the baby was 6 mths old by then).I went out of my mind with worry.Not to mention missing her like anything and wondering how my grand daughter was going.She is now back in contact (still with the guy.....)and visited us last week.I am hoping she will keep in contact this time.I hope your daughter contacts you and I fully understand how worried you are.Even if you have to go to Oz without her,she will come to her senses eventually,keep the faith pet and we're all here for yah!Take care and big hugs xxxxx

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Guest Tiddlypush

Hi when we started on this journery our 19 year old said no way would she come. Then because our family ties are strong she said she would stay here for the final six months of her degree then come and join us and decide from there. Now today at the end of a row (teenager girls) she shouted that we were leaving her behind and that we were obvioulsy happy that it was only going to be 3 of us and would be happier and that we spend every day talking about the future which may not be including her etc. She promptly left and went to work. This has left me heart broken and very unsure. I agree she has here own life and will follow her own path in life but we are close and can not envisage us living permenatly on differnet continents. If we dont go now will be very difficult because of our ages.

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Hi when we started on this journery our 19 year old said no way would she come. Then because our family ties are strong she said she would stay here for the final six months of her degree then come and join us and decide from there. Now today at the end of a row (teenager girls) she shouted that we were leaving her behind and that we were obvioulsy happy that it was only going to be 3 of us and would be happier and that we spend every day talking about the future which may not be including her etc. She promptly left and went to work. This has left me heart broken and very unsure. I agree she has here own life and will follow her own path in life but we are close and can not envisage us living permenatly on differnet continents. If we dont go now will be very difficult because of our ages.


Does anyone remember when you had toddlers being told by parents of older children make the most of them because when they get older the trouble starts. Do you remember like me thinking don't be ridiculous it must be much easier!

I am eating those words now!!!! Good luck Teenage tantrums are the pits give me a toddlers anyday!:wacko:

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Guest Tiddlypush

I agree whole heartedly. In my job as a midwife I obviously come across many anxious parents and i do trot out those words and they look at me blankly oh for the seaside sand castle and picnic days. I havent got any older so why have they?

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I think that children worry us more when the are grown up than when they were small, we could guide them then, once they grow up we can't and they have to learn by their own mistakes, unfortunately this often involves a lot of heart ache for parents. My children are grown and the troubles that their friends have and our friends have had with their adult children, everyone seems to have one child that gives a little grief.

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hi yes i know where you are comming from, i split from my eldest daughters father when she was just 18mths old,she is now 22, it was hard bringing her up as a single parent and i did my best for her all the time.I met my oh who im with now when she was 8 years old and he has always treated her as his own, we have had two other children since weve been together who are 12 and 6.My eldest daughter decided at 14yrs old she would go and live with her father, i was devistated and it broke my heart, how ever we do and still have contact with each other she plays me off against her dad.When we decided to move to Australia she said to me YOU CARNT LEAVE ME HERE, my reply was I have to do what i think is right for these children now, Im not leaving you im giving you a life line, so if you want to come i know you want to be with us, she is settled with a young child(my grandson) and her partner,Life is for living you only get one shot at it and you have to make the best of it you can..so although it will be hard for me to leave her behind i know her dad is still here and there will always be a ticket for her to come out to us..hope this helps you feel a little better

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Thanks to everyone for the replies and support:))) Means a great deal to me, thankyou:)))

So many parents suffer so much hurt from their kids. They can be very selfish at times to.

I had a hard bringing up as a kid, suffered a lot to. So I promissed myself I would be a stay at home mum always be there for them teas on the table, as I was a latch key kid.

I really wish now I had worked part time, time for me. My life revolved arround my kids.

So now I tell my youngest daughter don't give up your independance other wise you loose touch with the world. And if you need a bay sitter when you get to that point in your life I'm there to help you. Just a shame the older daughter dosen't want to be in our life at the moment. Ah well that's life. I to tell peeps also to cherrish their kids while their young. Have to let my daughter learn by herself.

Anyways the good news is I have applied for a job first one in 20(coughs) years, to help towards us going to oz. So here's to the rest of my family's future, and whenever my daughter is ready I will be there:)))


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Thanks to everyone for the replies and support:))) Means a great deal to me, thankyou:)))

So many parents suffer so much hurt from their kids. They can be very selfish at times to.

I had a hard bringing up as a kid, suffered a lot to. So I promissed myself I would be a stay at home mum always be there for them teas on the table, as I was a latch key kid.

I really wish now I had worked part time, time for me. My life revolved arround my kids.

So now I tell my youngest daughter don't give up your independance other wise you loose touch with the world. And if you need a bay sitter when you get to that point in your life I'm there to help you. Just a shame the older daughter dosen't want to be in our life at the moment. Ah well that's life. I to tell peeps also to cherrish their kids while their young. Have to let my daughter learn by herself.

Anyways the good news is I have applied for a job first one in 20(coughs) years, to help towards us going to oz. So here's to the rest of my family's future, and whenever my daughter is ready I will be there:)))



See I have always worked and only had time off for Maternity Leave and I feel guilty because I was not home for the kids! What is it with this guilt thing!!:arghh: Anyway good luck on the job application:yes:

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See I have always worked and only had time off for Maternity Leave and I feel guilty because I was not home for the kids! What is it with this guilt thing!!:arghh: Anyway good luck on the job application:yes:


It's stupid really your dammed if ya do and dammed if ya don't where is the happy medium?

Thanks hun, keeping everything crossed. Taking a long time tho:(((

Hope everything goes well for you too:)))

Take care Briggyxxx:)))

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