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Truthfully - what’s our chances? 190/Primary Teacher


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I’ve spent part of the night (have a newborn and doing night feeds) lost in old threads on here reading peoples experiences and it’s left me feeling really low and that we don’t have a chance.

My husband is the main applicant, he’s a 43 year old primary teacher with 10 years experience and fully qualified. We’re submitting our skills assessment today to get the ball rolling.

Do we really have a chance? If so what state is our best bet to apply to as I’ve seen a lot on here people saying not to choose “any state” on our EOI. 

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No one can say with any certainty what your chances are.   Points are a lot less important for the 190 visa -- the state will look at what their actual needs are, and choose applicants to match. So that is in your favour.  All you can really do is apply and then try and forget all about it.   The big mistake most people make is to put their lives on hold while they're waiting to hear.

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When you say fully qualified, what do you mean? If you mean a 3 year degree plus a university based PGCE then yes he may be qualified for Australian purposes. If he has a 3 year  BEd or a train on the job in schools qualification then he isn't qualified by Australian standards. Just be aware that fully qualified UK doesn't necessarily equal fully qualified Australia. At 43 your time is limited but I second what Marisawright had said - put in your application and see what happens but dont put your life on hold "just in case"

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15 minutes ago, OnTheFence said:

He’s got a four year BA (hons) with a PGCE so qualified by aus standards too. We definitely meet all the criteria, it’s just whether we stand any chance to be invited that I’m unsure about.

Good to know, a lot of people are caught out by that one. Nobody knows what chance you  have until you do it. There are stories about teacher shortages but who knows how that translates into actually getting a job once you've landed. Usually the jobs are in places where people don't actually want to live but they lost a lot of staff with the mandates and general lack of enthusiasm about the job so there may be more vacancies around. They do like the cheaper options though, where there are self managing schools, so that older more experienced teachers cost them more than a newly minted young thing and are often at a disadvantage because of that but if you're prepared to go wherever the department may put you and do your time in rural /remote areas then you're more likely to get a decent school down the track. If course if he has other skills like a nominated second language, music, special Ed then he will be more in demand. 

Edited by Quoll
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